Hi everypuggy,
Winston heres.
Wells I did it! I was on TV!
We mets Anne-Marie the owner of
DogQuality and the TV journalist from
Go! Vancouver at the park. There were three of us in the filmings.
ready, set, actions! |
Sam came alongs to assist me. We spent abouts 1 1/2 hour filmings.
I am ready for the camera! |
We did some walking shots as a group and I was filmed as I demonstrated the
"grippers" socks.
Mum didn't gets a picture of that so we will display one here froms the DogQuality site.
I gots a complimentary set and Mum is thrilled. I needs them for my front paws as my front legs always slids on the floor when I am sitting.
Mum dids get a picture of the diapers from DogQuality.
They are environmentally friendly and there are girls style and boys style to accommodates our different plumbing. Mum is considering getting me one for night times.
Sometimes at night, I accidentally let a pooh-ball slips out.
Any ways backs to the filming
here we are getting ready to films.
It was almost likes a "dogger" meet up!
We had so much funs and Mum was so thrilled to have been asked to pawticipates.
I am so gratefuls for DogQuality and the products they offers for us "mature" folk.
here is the segment, enjoys the show!
That's a wrap
Winston Wilbur