Here are some videos of me from Christmas day. I had so many gifts to open!
Who is Smiling Pug?
- Winston Wilbur
- Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
- "I am a happy pug therefore.... I am a smiling pug"! My mum is called Smilingpug... after me! Because of her love of animals and nature, she is a Buddhist and a vegetarian (thank god). She is most inspired by the Dalai Lama. We live on the West Coast of Canada and I share my home with my two older feline sisters Tika and Kizzy and my NEW little brother Sam Cooper who... is all the way from MidSouth Pug Rescue in Tennessee!! I am 11 and I don't walk to well anymore, but that doesn't mean I don't get around! Welcome to my blog.
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Friday, December 26, 2008
WOW what a "whitemare", Holy snow!
Hi everyone it is Tika here. I am blogging this one as I was witness to mum's adventure outside. We have had so much snow that it came up to my mummy's knees! She went out in our yard to take photos. She was talking about having double the amount of snow in one season all in less than a week. She took lots of photos while I sat at the door and meowed at her to come back in out of the white stuff. I did not dare step one little paw out the door, I hate cold, wet and anything foreign touching my immaculately clean fur. Here are some photos of the snow and a cute one of me!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
My Christmas Wish List
Dear Santa,
I have been a good puglet this year. I tried really hard to share my chuck-it toy with others. When out in public I have tried really hard to listen to mum when she tells me to heal and stop. On rainy days I didn't give mum a hard time by refusing to go outside when I was all cozy in my bed. I shared my treats with my cat sister, Kizzy (this was a tough one). I even tried not to hog the bed at night and not to snore too loud. I hope that you feel my behaviour has been extra good this year and that I have a Grinch-Free Christmas. I am hoping to find the following in my pawking this year:
Three Dog Bakery Peanut Mutter Cookies
Some new Chuck-it balls
A new squeaky toy ( I promise not to destroy this new one in less than 5 minutes)
A small size Greenie
Lots of treats!
Snorts and Licks
P.awS. I promise to leave you a fresh bowl of water and some milk bones to fill your tummy on your busy night.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Yipee a Snow Day!
Monday, December 08, 2008
Picture Monday
Here are some shots mum FINALLY downloaded from her blackberry! Took me a while of constant nagging but here they are.
This one is of me in the bathtub having my flea bath. I used to have the baths in the laundry room sink but Mum now prefers the tub as she says "I am such a sausage that you are too heavy to lift". I also prefer the tub as Mum will get in with me and I like being closer to the ground, I have height issues. The only downside she's says is that my course fur clogs the drain!
Here I am looking very cute in the car on the way home from the Dog Beach. It was a great day full of chuck-it and digging.

This one is my "don't pet me or talk to me I am in begging mode" picture. I think I was begging for a cookie. This is very serious business, I even stop chuck-it for a bite of food.

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Christmas Decorating for 2008
YIPEE! we decorated for Christmas today! I got very excited as you can see from one of my pictures of me jumping up toward mum as she took the pic. Kizzy and Tika got into it too. They especially like the box that the christmas tree comes out of. So the lights are up, the pawkings are hung, advent calendar displayed, tree erected, now all that is left to do is have mum write up Wish Lists for Santa Paws and to be on our best "good kitty and pug behavior", which means no climbing the tree or peeing on it and no playing with the decorations that are on the tree, until the big day!
The pawkings were hung by the "glowing warmer" in hopes that Santa Paws will visit!
Here I am very excited about the decorating!
Whimper, woof I had an Ouch!
Ok I am a little bit growlie about this entry. I had a sore swell up on my paw and that white coated lady (who has the habit of sticking sticks in my bum!!!!!!) wrapped my paw up for a few days. Well, the nerve of those ladies at the "pet clinic" (as mummy calls it) using HOT PINK. Don't they realize I am a boy! To make matters worse I had a flea hitch a ride and I am super hypersensitive to those little bugger's bites. Well my bum had to be shaved in order for mum to see where to apply my skin cream for the flea bites, needless to say my back end was very drafty. The good news is my fur is coming back. Mum shaved my bum to begin with but she did the most appalling job that the "vet clinic" had to tidy it up. I am all better now and I am sticking with the story that "shaving your bum is what all the pugs in New York are doing" so..... I am carrying on with the fashion trend. Below are my embarrassing photos of my "Ouch Week". PLEASE NO LAUGHING
PS I won't even mention the "walking outside with the plastic bag over my bandage to keep it dry" incidents, hot pink is embarrassing enough!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Introducing DICKENS...... My Best Pug Pal
This is Dickens. We met at a pug gathering and have been pug pals ever since. We have loads in common, including the fact that he is only about a month younger than me. We meet regularly for walkies and swimming and just to hang out while our humans have coffee. He loves to chase squirrels, this is something I am learning from him and in return I am teaching him that skateboards and roller blades need to be barked and chased after. Aside from having lots in common we also look a lot alike with the only difference that he looks like he shrunk in the dry cycle! So here are some pics we have of my pal. From one handsome pug to another I like to say!

A day at Buntzen Lake with my Pug group
One of my funnest adventures was Buntzen Lake this past summer 2008. I got really good at swimming with my life jacket and I hung out with my friends too! Mum really likes it there as the beach area is nice and sandy for my feet and hers and the area is fenced in for us puggies. I have attached some photos from our last gathering before the wintery weather had hit. Brrr now we are in the cold rainy season which kind of sucks big time as it means shorter days and crappy weather and less time outside playing "chuckit"
Here I am running with the pack!

Sunday, August 03, 2008
Walkies down Memory Trail
Thank you my best pug Dickens' human, Walt, for introducing mum to other blogs by pug owners, who let their pug's write their own blogs! she decided to give me free reign. FINALLY!!!! So here is my first entry.
So, today we got up and lounged around a bit before mum went on a cleaning spree. She eventually did "midsummer clean" in the basement where we stumbled across the box of photos. I say "we" as while she sat pulling out albums I snuggled down using her foot as a chin rest. There was a lot of "ooohhhh and ahhhhh" and I looked up to see images of me as a little rugrat. So here are the photos that she scanned in. The one of me sleeping on the carpet with my toy is the first day I moved in here. I still have that toy and the blankets I am laying on. The last two are of me and some of my siblings. I am the adorable pug at the back of the bunch. The last one is my daddy "Sam" and everyone says I look just like him and I am just as big as he is too! Ok so here goes...... let the ohhhhhhing and ahhhhhhing begin!
puppy love Winston

Here is my pug daddy, Sam. I look just like him and I am big like him too!

Monday, July 21, 2008
Winston hits the surf with "chuck-it"
So today we headed out to our fav place in West Vancouver. I will let Winston say a few words here.......
Hi everyone, thanks for looking at my very own blog, I am so handsome that I love to have my pics displayed everywhere including the net. Today we took a car ride to the beach. I got really excited when we got close to the beach and I could smell the sea air. We drove with the roof off which is what I like cause then the wind blows my fur and I can lounge in the passenger seat looking relaxed and hip. We hiked down the rocks today as the tide was way out, and when I mean out I mean out..... all the shopping buggies were showing today which shows just how far out the water was. Mom got a pic of one of the buggies, we have included it below. Anyway, here are some pics and movies of me engaging in chuck-it. I went quite far into the water today and mom was really happy about this cause I almost swam a few times. After we hung out at Starbucks where I had loads of exposure and got lots of attention, just the way I like it.
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