Who is Smiling Pug?
- Winston Wilbur
- Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
- "I am a happy pug therefore.... I am a smiling pug"! My mum is called Smilingpug... after me! Because of her love of animals and nature, she is a Buddhist and a vegetarian (thank god). She is most inspired by the Dalai Lama. We live on the West Coast of Canada and I share my home with my two older feline sisters Tika and Kizzy and my NEW little brother Sam Cooper who... is all the way from MidSouth Pug Rescue in Tennessee!! I am 11 and I don't walk to well anymore, but that doesn't mean I don't get around! Welcome to my blog.
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Sunday, June 29, 2008
Kizzy and Winston enjoy the heat wave!
Whoa! It is a scorcher today! Kizzy hung out in the garden for a bit but then took to lounging by the door for most of the day, hmmm maybe I should say "passed out" for the rest of the day. Winston insisted on sitting in the sun in the yard and probably wondered why he got so darn over heated (for some reason he feels pond water tastes better than tap water!). I finally made him go inside out of the sun.

Winston goes to Bowen Island
Winston and I took the ferry across the water to visit my brother. We spent the day at the house with the kids. It was such a gorgeous hot day that we ventured to a quiet shady beach to swim and play chuckit. We are still working on the swimming part! The kids loved seeing Winston in his lifejacket.

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Our Garden in Spring
Well, for the past two weeks now, we have been getting the garden ready for the warmer weather. Kizzy, Tika and Winston helped, or tried to, to what they thought helping was, however there are no pictures of them in this series! We have discovered that in the tree down the side of the house a robin has nested and we found an egg on the ground last Saturday. I can look out my bathroom window and get a good view of the mum and nest. I have seen her feed the wee one and fend off threatening birds. I just can't seem to get a good picture of her as the tree is too leafy.

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