Mum strapped the bike to the back of the car, loaded me into the passenger seat and set off to Aunty Justine's in Lindell Beach for the day. I was a long car ride up there.... took over an hour. After the final stretch around Cultus Lake we arrived at Nomad's home. Nomad came up the drive and barked hello, we exchanged a bit of butt sniffing too. Unfortunately Mum did not get any pics of Nomad. There is lots of yard at this house and many little feathered birds running around cock-a-doodling. We walked down the long road while the human's rode the bikes. I ran so fast to keep up but Mum said she eventually had to slow down to allow me to keep up. I got to see horses up close and a donkey! I had so much fun, I love visiting Nomad and his many cat siblings!
Me lounging in the car

Me posing with the Horse!

Me posing with the Donkey!

The bikes!