Monday, June 29, 2009

Watching planes at YVR

Wow what a day! The sun shining, white puffy clouds float through the light breeze. The perfect day for grabbing my chuck-it and heading to MacDonald Beach for a run on the beach and splash in the river. After chuck-it we stop near the airport to watch the planes. We like to do this on nice sunny afternoons. I am still wet from wading in the river so I like to sit on the grass and let the sun dry my fur. We sit in the car with the roof down or sit on the grass and the giant planes soar right over our heads! I like to throw in a few good barks to let them know that I am in charge here and this is my turf. They fly by overhead at a great rumble but don't give me much trouble once I set them straight. Here are some photos from the beach and plane watching.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Dog Days of Summer

The dog days of summer 09 have arrived! Mum has lots of pics of myself and friends enjoying the warm sunny weather.
After a long walk, we just like to hang out at Starbucks
Pre-bedtime snack ritual...... my "don't pet me I am concentrating on begging" face
Cruising the town in our convertible...... I am the "trendy pug" when we pull up to the off leash park with the top down and my ears flapping.
Jacqui and Me at Hats of Day in Burnbay
Hanging with Kizzy in the garden, this pic shows my sausagey side! What a porker I am!
Chuck-it at the beach
Dickens hangs with us at Starbucks
Kizzy in the garden
Walt, Dickens and me at Burnaby Lake
Hanging at home