Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Birthday to our Mum!

Today is mum's birthday. Happy Birthday mum
Luvs your little fur kids.


Happy Halloweens everyone!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dickens takes a holiday...... At my house!

My pug pal Dickens came to stay with us for 5 days while his Dad went to Toronto. Here are pictures from his visit. I really enjoyed having him here, I luvs him, he is my bestest pal (Tuni don't worry, I still luvs you and think yous is super cutes) . My mum misses him since he left, she loved having two pugs snuggled on the bed at night!

Dickens snuggled under a towel. Look at the size of the leaf we found on our walk that morning.

Picture of the trail at Sasamat Lake where we went for a walk.

Dad and us

Sniffing around

Dickens on the lookout

Me on the path

Mum can't tell if this is me or Dickens on the boardwalk.

Wow what a nice view of the lake!

Car Ride! I am the one with the blue vest harness.

Mum says this is one of her favs of me. Dickens arrived with his pillow but I liked using his pillow at night while he always leaned on Mum's leg.

Dickens sleeping on Mum.

I was a good puggie and shared my toys. Dickens is playing with my doggie.



Waiting for supper

Mum would wake up in the morning to find us like this! I luvs my pug pal.

Me in the car taking Dickens home.

Me and Dickens in the car. A bit of a tight squeeze as Mum has a two seater convertible.
This is the last picture before we dropped Dickens at home.

Thanks Dickens for coming to stay..... we had loads of fun!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

And the WINNER is........

Today we put all the names into a basket and drew one. Congratulations to Tweedles. Her name was picked and her choice of Charity was Seattle Pug Rescue. There was actually two comments that listed this charity of choice so I guess in a way more than just Tweedles won! BOL. But seriously.... I think we are all winners here as there was loads of comments and supports toward many different charities. And of course... the ones who benefited most are the rescue puggies. Let's have three barks for the total amount donated, (insert drum roll here!)........$25 Canadian Dollars! Whoo Hoo! This actually was $27 dollars due to rate of exchange!

Thank you to all bloggers for participating! Scroll down to watch the video of Winston helping draw the name.

Pug Hugs Winston

Kizzy and Winston both want to help draw the name!

Here is our receipt from the donation

Friday, October 16, 2009

Our Turn to "Paw it Forward"

Hi all my fellow bloggers. Well mum has finally allowed me to post my "paw it forward" (something about saving up for it... PayDay!) Anyway we really liked the way Lilo did her "charity paw it forward" so we have decided to follow a similar concept.
For the next week we encourage all bloggers to post a comment (aka "blog bark") on this post. In doing so I will donate $1 Canadian dollar for every comment posted toward a charitable organization that is animal related. Please list a charitable organization (animal related ie: pug rescue, SPCA, WWF etc.) of your choice and list it in your comment. I will then take the names of everyone who listed a charitable organization and my mum will draw one name from a hat and that person's chosen charitable organization will receive the donation. Anyone can post a comment even if you don't list a charitable organization. The more the comments the more money will be donated to the winner's choice. The charitable organization can be Canadian or American. Spread the word!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

What the DEVIL got into Mum?!!

So Mum ditched me yesterday! Yup she made a last minute decision to go on a shopping day trip to America.... without moi! She got home late last night with 2 very large paper bags. I knew there was something in there for me but I had to wait until the morning to see it. I was so happy and forgave her for leaving me at home when she gave me a new Devil toy. She also decided that after seeing Petunia and Sequoia in their Halloween costumes, that I should have one too. So here I am in my new costume. Petunia.... please don't think that I am a devil in pug's fur. I really am a cute little angel. (Jeeze mum this is so bad for my image!)
Me allowing to find my toy in the bag
Oh what is in here? My new costume?
Look a new toy from America! My little Devil squeaky toy.
Kizzy wants a costume too!
Here I am in my Devil outfit!
This pic shows the forked tail!
Oh Mum, this is so really bad for my image.... what will the girl puggies think?
A video clip of me and my new toy