Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Curl-o-Meter for the Beach

Hello everypuggy,

Today Mum announced we was going to meet
Dickens at the beach.
I got really excited and my curl-o-meter proved it!

What is a curl-o-meter?

Mum says it is my curly tail.
See, when I am totally happy and excited
it curls up tights and wags.

Here are pictures to demonstrates....

See how happy I am and looks at my tail!

and here toos, nice and tights!
I am so full of energy as I run away from Mum with my ball.

Dickens and me played in the water it was super funs

Dickens played with his ball

I played with mine

I even made a new friend.
He was just a pup who had lots of energys

 After the beach we stopped to watch the planes land
at the airports.

 I was on high alert, ready to bark my head off at the incoming jets

But I started to gets tired from all the excitement.
That is when my curl-o-meter told Mum it was
time to head homes

My curl-o-meter is now at low.
See the tight curl is gones. It is now loose and uncurled.
I am super tired from the excitments.

All the way homes I napped in my bed. 
Do you have a curl-o-meter indicator like me?

Winston Wilbur

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Let's talk beds

Well, before we do anythings else we just needs to remind yous that Monday is the deadline to sign ups for the Valentine Card Exchange. So far there is 18 pawticipants. 

Now onto today's topic.
Beds with a bit of snowfall warning.
A few weeks ago Mum woke up one morning and decided enough was enough!
The bickering over our one sock monkey bed must stops!

She called my Auntie J and they drove to their halfway meeting point,
hopped into one car and headed across the border.

Mum went down to Bellingham to gets another bed from Walgreens.

Mum found outs that the popular sock monkey bed was a one time thing and that they won't gets anymore in. Mum found the snoopy bed and matching chew toy so that pleased her just fines.

On the way homes a snowfall warning hits and Mum and Auntie J had to drives in this....
(Thank pugness they DID NOT drive in Mum's Miata, down to Walgreens!)

They gots home safely and I was at the door to greet thems.

The next day we had to drives back out to the Fraser Valley where Mum had left her car
(the halfway meeting place).

We had to get all the snows off the car!

I waited inside with the heater on while Mum scraped the car.

The end result was that although Mum risked her life travelling in that snows, we now gots another bed!!!!

As you can see here in this photo, the girls luv the beds.
Each bed has a matching stuffie to go withs it,
can you see the monkey and snoopy toy?

Mum can now sleep soundly at night without bickering cats waking her ups.
I have resigned to the fact that those beds are now CAT beds only.

Kizzy and Tika says that I don't understands the concept of the "monkey and snoopy beds".
They tell me.... "the beds aren't blankets.... you sleep in them not under them"!

I now leave you with pictures from our latest pug meet in the Washingmachines State.
Sequoia didn't attend, she had to stay homes with her Dad and watch footballs.
That was oks, it gave Tuni and I some alone times.

(she wore this outfit just for me!)

Aren't we a cutes couple!

Winston Wilburs

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Valentine Card Exchange

Most of yous know we are hosting a Valentine Card exchange this year.

So far we have 16 pawticipants.
The final sign up day is Jan 31.
On Jan. 31 Mum will send outs an email to all pawticipants with the list of everyone's address.
If you want to pawticipate and haven't signed up yets, click here to send us your address.
Tonights we are starting on making our cards. Mum decided to hand make them this year!

On another notes,
Thank yous to all the birthday wishes you sent. I turned 9 on January 19.
This weekend Mum promised me a liver cake! Whoo Hoo!

Winston Wilbur

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

And The Winners Are........

Hello everypuggy, Winston here.

Before we announce the winners I wants to takes a minute to mention our
Valentine Card Exchange
If you are interested in pawticipating please email us your address by clicking here.

Just finished drawing the names for the Truffle Pig Chocolates!

Everyone gots the answers correct!
There are 10 Provinces and 3 Territories.
And the bonus question....
everyone gots that correct too!
The capital of British Columbia is Victoria which is located on Vancouver Island.

Here is a list of all pawticipants

Mum wrotes down everyone's names on paper, twice!

I waited so patiently while she wrapped each entry around a liver snack

There they are in the box waiting for me to pick one!

I gots a little excited and very eager to gets in there and pick two liver snacks....
I mean winners!

Things gots a little crazy and the draw happened very quickly!

I picked two liver treats  winners from the box!
And here they are!
 Yoda, Brutus and Ellie from The Pugs Strike Back
Butchy and Katie... oh with Sylvester (Kizzy's new love) and their other kitties.

We will be mailing out your prizes at the end of the week.

OK.... now, so you may not have won this time around but,
Next month we have a very special contest.
February's contest will tie in with Valentine's Day and Our Green Stubby Report.

It will be held in memory of Stubby.

Here is a clue for the topic of February's contest....

There will be one prize and let me tells you.... you won't wanna miss this one!

Stay Tuned for more info to come at the beginning of February!
Winston Wilbur

Friday, January 14, 2011

January Contest Give away! Your Chance to Win!

Hello everypuggy! Winston heres!

Well we have been absent from blogging for a week.
We have been spending time reflecting on our friend Stubby. We were saddened by the loss of a friend.

We are now back in action and to start off the year we are having our January Contest Give Away!
Spread the words to all your blogging friends!

The prize.....

You may all remembers this from our December post!

Ok so this is what you can enter to wins!

It is one of two boxes of "truffle pig" chocolates.

This box contains 4 bars.
Each bar is a different flavour.
There is a....
milk chocolate peanut butter truffle,
dark chocolate truffle,
dark chocolate hazelnut truffle,
milk chocolate truffle.

(inside view of box)

There is nutritional info on the back of the box.
(Kizzy posing with boxes)

(Tika poses too!)

A little bits about the "truffle pig" bars.

They are made by a locally owned Canadian company called Hagensborg Chocolates (click heres to visit their site).
This company is located right heres in our city of Burnaby!

Each bar is the shape of 4 little piggies (super cutes!)

Ok so in order to have your name entered into the draw for a chance of winning one of the 2 boxes
yous have to puts on your thinking caps!

This month's trivia question is Canadian Geography.

READY, here goes it.....

How many provinces and territories does Canada have?

Once you gots the answer leave us a comment. If you answer correctly we will enter your name into the draw.

NOTE: We will NOT post the comments until AFTER the contest is over, that way no one can peek at other's answers.

Contest Closes Monday January 17th @ 6pm PST.

Draw will takes place on the Tuesday.


Why not improve your chances of winning.......
Answer this bonus question to have your name entered a 2nd time into the draw!

(I lives in the province of British Columbia.)
What is the Capital City of British Columbia?

Ok good lucks everypuggy!

I now leaves you with a picture of moi at my last pug meet up at the beach.

(Mum says I looks like one of the truffle piggies! BOL)

Winston Wilbur

Friday, January 07, 2011

Tokens of Friendships + gratefulness

January means a fresh start, a new year.
While many set resolutions we stop to reflect on what we have and how grateful we are.

As we change our pug calendar to a new year and month, we think how it feels that time goes by so very fast.
(a calendar we bought with the help of blogging friends)

The one project to do, that was planned for the new year, was to take all the items from the "Pug Shelves" and place them into a book.

As we start in on the project we stop and consider what it is we have in front of us.....

Tokens of friendship from a community of bloggers.
People we have never met in person but have created friendships with.

Grateful - for us, we are grateful for these friends and what they mean to us.

As we place each item into the book we pause to reflect how each person we came to know and how they have changed our lives.

Then we stop at one in particular.

Just minutes before completing the book we received devastating news.

Our friend Stubby passed away today.

We have never met face to face but we had created a long distance friendship.

He and Michele inspired us to create The Green Stubby reports in his honour.

We are deeply saddened by the news. No one can live forever.... we all know that but when the time comes it is still so very shocking and sad.

In our time of blogging we have experienced several losses.

All friends made through our blog community.
Many who have a token in our book.

As we complete the book we close the cover.

We contemplate for a while of the people we have met. How they have touched our lives.

Grateful for our friendships and for new ones yet to be made.


Always remembered.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

2011 - Not what it is "quacked" up to be!

Happy New Year's Day!

Well what an evening it was! We was celebratings and playing and having funs....

Then all of a sudden this happeneds.....
this stuffs....
found on the carpet everywheres!

"What the heck", yells Mum, thens ....... "Winston, stop"
Then.... Mum grabs my Duck (Christmas gift from Tuni) from the carpet.

Looks okays, don't its?

Then she turns it overs.....

It is not okays!

Looks at it!
The guts had spilled outs all over the rug and in my mouth!
"What do we do?" I asked Mum.

"Quick to the operating room..... PRONTO! " She replies

Dickens and I look on from a distance as Mr Duck gets his much needed surgery.
The tension mounts as Mum's steady hand goes to works.

The operation is a sucess!
Mr Duck is okays now.

 Thank goodness he had medical insurance!

Mum hands him back good as new!

I ring in the New Year with a stitched up duck and lots of cheer!
Winston Wilbur