Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy Birthday shout out

Hi everyone.....
Tika and Kizzy heres.
Today is a special days, today is the birthday of our friend and sunflower sister, Sequoia. Happy 5th Birthday girlfriend.

What Winston?........
Shuffle, thump, crash.......

Hi everypuggy Winston heres.
Just wanted to say a shout out to my Tuni Sequoia
(ok mum I know it isn't about Tuni!)

Happy Birthday Sequoia (whatevers)
Hope you have a great day

Winston Wilbur 
(oh oh oh...... pst...... hi Tuni how are yous? I send you kisses).....

quit it!
(please ignore Winston, he is so hung up over the birthday girl's sister!)
So if you haven't already.... stop by her blog and wish her happy birthday!

Cheek kisses and sunflower power
Kizzy and Tika

Friday, June 24, 2011

A Week in Review

Hi everypuggy,

Well I am backs.....
from my weekend in Seattles!

Mum and I left last Friday night and drove to Washing-machine state.
We stayed over nights then hooked ups with my Tuni and her sisters.
Mum has NO pictures of us at the hotel.
I hardly slept that night....
I couldn't keep my mind off the treat bag on the counter then....
I decided that the activity outside my window needed barking ats and.....
I was super excited abouts seeing Tuni in the morning!
Mum claims I made her have a restless night too.

Well here are the pictures Mum DID takes of me at the Seattle Pug Gala.
Tuni and I entered the Best Costume contest.
She won a runner up prize and I won grand prize.
I wore my halloween bulldozer costume and the ONLY picture we have is one that was taken by a fellow pug fan!!
Again Mum is lacking in the photo taking dept. for this event!!

Finally! Another pug as big as me!
Same height and weight!

This is Mau and Me

Tuni found her long lost twin! BOL
Same age and abouts the same size!

Pugs in costume and basket!
This one pug hads a whirly hat like Anakin's!

Group Pug!

My Tuni in her costume, she was the Solar System.
She was totally pawsome in her costume!

Me with Tuni

 Former rescue pugs on parade!

Tuni's new sister, Emma, takes a break

 Me just chillin

Agility pug Sequoia!

looks at her goes!

It is Puglette and her clan!

Now here is a picture of my costume.
Unfortunately, this picture is from last October
likes I said....
Mum was TOO busy parading around the ring with me then,
to stop and takes a picture!

In other news...
the flowers in our garden are starting to really blooms now

Flowers Mum puts in a vase

Our Clematis

 Pretty in Pink!

Our mini rose plant is blooming

Geraniums budding

Not sure what this plant is...
Mum can't remembers

More geraniums!

Nellie - cat from hell - has tagged us!
Our next post will be abouts the tag!

Tah tah for nows
Winston Wilbur

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pugmania!!!! Seattle Pug Gala 2011

Hi everyones.... just a a quick post to tells you all that I am SO EXCITED! This weekend is Seattle Pug Gala and Mum and I are going again this years!

If any of yous want information click heres

If any of yous is planning on taking your pawrents to its let me knows.... maybe we can meets up there? Say hello, hang outs by the water bowl and snack counter.

Gotta run and pack now!

Winston Wilburs

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Surprise Meeting!!!!

Hi Everypuggy, Winston heres.

This morning the doorbell rangs.
It was my pal Dickens.
He came to visit while his Dad wents to the airport. 
Later we went out to the airport beach to meet up with Dickens' Dad.
We piled outta the car and ran offs to the beach.
"Oh look" said Mum "another pug.... a blacks one"

"Hi I am Winston" I saids,
"this is my pal Dickens"

She introduced herself as Lola.

"is this.... is this Winston from the website Winston?" asked Lola's momma.
"Yah it is" said Mum.

Then I realized........

OMP.....  LOLA!!!!!!!!
IT IS LOLA!!!!!!!

I couldn't believes it!

 Lola travels between Toronto and Vancouver.
We mets for the first time...... quite by surprise, at the beach!
We talked for a while at the beach, then we had to say good byes.
It is okay thoughs we will see her again soon!

At the same times we bumped into Lola... I met this guy.
Looks at his collar.... cool eh?

Dickens and I played chuck-it at the beach.
We posed for pictures for Mum!

Playing made us tired.
Wow was I pooped, so was Dickens.
 What Mum?
Did you say..... "comes here"?
We are leaving nows!!!!
No I am not ready to leaves!
 I gots in the car after Mum saids we were heading over to chase and bark at airplanes.

For your viewing pleasure I had Mum makes a video of me in actions.

omp.... hear that's?....
gotta runs, the ice cream truck just entered my street!!!!


Winston Wilbur

Monday, June 06, 2011

Crisis in the Veggie Garden

Hello everypuggy,

Winston heres.
Mum had a crisis in the veggie garden!!

Remember the nice plot we allocated for our veggies?
We did a Green Stubby report on how I helped plant the seedlings.

Well, Mum went outs about a week or two after we planted thems and I heard her shriek!

Well the veggie patch attracted these...

We then performed "operation relocate"

The carrots...... gone, totally eaten
The tomatoes..... gone, totally eaten
The beans..... rescued all but two and replanted in a planter
The peas.... rescued and replanted in a planter
Cucumbers..... rescued 4, lost 1 after the replant, they are barely hanging in!

On tops of that we have had really crumby weathers.
Temperatures below normal and 63% less sunlight than averge!

Mum was freaking outs!
I thinks she has it under control now.

2011 Garden Tour
I will now takes you on a tour of our garden.
This weekend was gorgeous and warms, finally!

The patio steps

This "welcome" planter is new this year.
Oh.... see the pug statue?

Garden plot on the patio
Notice my "pug at play" sign?

Beside the swing chair
See the planters on the fence top? That is the beans and peas.

Looking onto the garden from patio
(see the plants in the grass?
Mum's new tomato plants from the garden center!)

The back end of the garden

Back gate

 Mum's pond corner

Mum is super braggy abouts this section, her native plant section.
It is shade and very forest likes.
These are doing super goods this season.
They obviously don't mind the rain and cloud!

 The Pond
See our fake koi, bottom right?

The pond also serves are a huge water dish for us, neighour pets and wildlifes!

Back on the patio we have our Fish Barrel.

One of Mum's rose plants

The planter beside the rose
(Mum almost killed it!
Forgot to water it... then it totally wilted.
Mum says cuz the huge tree above blocks the rains)

Tah Dah.....
the rescued Peas, and looks they have flowered.
As I pointed outs in the earlier photo....
Mum has them on the patio fence in a planter up off the ground
(the beans are right beside thems)
Back in the garden....
The veggie patch has been converted intos a Lavender patch!
We have chives, fennel and echinachea in theres too.
Catnip Garden is to the front left of it.

Just before the lavender section is Mum's mini herb cup.
4 different herbs in heres and we use them for cookings

Our Columbine back in bloom.
We have had this for 8 years!
Close ups of lavender..
Do you sees the bee?

Tomatoes and cucumber are in the front of the house so Mum can keeps a close eye on thems.

Now I leaves you with some shots of our garden ornaments...

Mum luvs this one!

She likes this one too

From the Catnip Garden.....

Two cats and a dog!

So as the season progresses I will keeps you posted on how the rescued veggies are growings.

Oh gotta goes....
someone knocked on the door

Oh looks.... it is the Maxx Scoop car.... 
must be the free cat litter offer Mum signed up to gets.

Winston Wilbur