Sunday, March 31, 2013

Test Drives... Dogger Style

Hi everypuggy,

Winston here to talks to you abouts the official test drive I dids in my new Dogger Stroller.

This is actually from abouts 2 weeks ago and was my first outing in my new stroller.

It was raining that day so we used the rain cover.

Okay, ready to goes!

keeping dry in my dogger!
(We will use the rain cover regularly as we gets lots of rain here in the Vancouver areas. The rain cover comes with the "base model")

We test drove it on the trail near our house.

hey Mum I thinks it stopped rainings

I wanted to see how smooth the ride was.
Mum wanted to test it's ability to maneuver the rough terrain.

Check it outs...

Pretty quiet ride, don't you thinks?
No problem over the rocks and tree stumps!

Looks here...
It has some pretty cool shock thingys on the frame which helps reduce the bumps

You can also sees the wheels are air filled so it makes it easy to maneuver on different terrains.

Um, I think it is starting to rain again...

Mum puts the rain cover back ons

Back onto the sidewalks we went, for more testings.

It is just soooooo smooth, I just love my new ride!

Check out how comfy I look...

When we arrived back homes Dad and Sam Cooper were watching outs the window for us

Looks closely, do you see Sam?

OMP looks at the rains!!
Time to gets out of this rains and inside now,

Mum don't forget to put on the brake.

Just use your foot...

Mum really likes the brake system on the Dogger.
Stay tuned,
here is an upcoming sneak peaks into the next type of terrain we tested outs...

Just hanging at the beach
 Keep on rolling,

Winston Wilbur

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Water Proof Sam

Hi everypuggy,

Winston heres.

With all this talks of my new stroller I thought we should talks about Sam's new coat.

We gets lots of rain here in Vancouver and Mum felt Sam needed a raincoat.

We got him one from our favourite Pet Supply Store, Tisol.

Looks at how good he looks in his new red coat!
Mum gots him Red as she thought it goes nicely with his furs colour.

Red is also associated with the Devil...

Yup he can be a devil sometimes! Trust Me!

Look at me in my new coat!

His coat is water resistant, warm, has reflectors and... works with his harness.

Here is a short video of him wearing it at the dog park last weekends.
(that is me strolling ahead of Sam)

And... here is Sam Cooper AFTER the dog park. 
Yups, that dog park sure wears him outs!

Don't you think he looks adorables in his new raincoat?

Until next times...
play hards and stay dry!

Winston Wilbur

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Happiness is the smell of a new Stroller!

Hi everypuggy,

Wells if you have been following me on facebooks you will know that I gots a huge package delivered to my house the other day.

pretty bigs package eh!
Mum boughts me a new stroller!

This one is likes the Rolls Royce of strollers!

It is called a Dogger. It is a Canadian Company that makes them and they are located heres in Vancouver!

I gots so excited when we unpacked my new Dogger!

Yup looks like it shipped ok!
I helped Mum unpacks it.

It shipps almost all in one piece, just some minor assembly needed...
Wow this stoller is awesome!

Mum just had to assembles the wheels.

Sam Coop double checked Mum's work

Wheels are on good and tight!

Sam and I monitored Mum while she tooks off the packaging.

Looks at how excited I looks!

Once it was unfolded, Sam was in total amazement at how awesome it was!

Both Sam and I can fits in it togethers!!

What a cool ride, Winston!
Mum gots it fully loaded.

It comes with a rain cover as part of the base model but Mum gots the add ons.

I got the orthopedic lounge pad and Mum gots the cup holder attachment.

I even got to try it outs in the living room!


OMP I am a happy boy!
I can't waits to try it outsides!

Keep on wheeling...
Winston Wilbur

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I will have cake and eat it too!

Hi everypuggy,

Winston heres.

When Sam and I wents to my BFF's (Dickens) 11th birthday pawty we hads the most amazing cake ever.

It was bone shaped and mades of my favourites... LIVER!

I was in heavens from the first bite

mmmmmm cake!
Cake always tastes best when eaten withs your eyes closed!

Sam Cooper even had cakes.

It was his first time and he was VERY PIGGISH!

He didn't close his eyes and savours it like me... No, he gobbled it ups and went looking for mores!

looks at the way his eyes bug outs! totally droolings here!
Yup my favourite foods is livers! I think it might be Sam's too!

Do you have a favourite food?

Enjoying a slice of life
Winston Wilbur

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Suntanning... can we be trusted?

Hi everypuggy,

Mum is still sorting outs the rest of her trip photos.

We aren't ready to post mores so... I decided to post about my sun tannings the other day.

Mum was vacuuming the car while I sat, sun tanned and barked at some kids playing.

I must say...  I do think I looks handsome heres

This heres is Sam Cooper, insides the house bouncing in the window and barkings.

He tried to suntans but Mum saids my barking kept setting him offs.

I bark then he barks.

Mum says he has no idea whats he is barking ats either! He just barks cuz I do.

The next day we sun tanned some mores.
(can you believes it! we had two days in a row of suns and no rains)

This time the street was quieter so I did not have anythings to barks at.

Here we are...

me sitting on the grass and Sam Cooper tied to the carport post.

Can you guess who is the "untrustable" one

Me and Sam catching sun rays

Yup, Sam is!

I sit on the grass and chill BUT...  Sam Cooper can't be trusted, he has to be leashed to the post. 

Mum says a big dog walking by will send Sam Cooper chasing.

He stirs up trouble with big dogs, thus making him an "untrustable"!!

I means if you wants to see Sam in actions... check outs Lola pug's blog.

Don't let his innocent looks fool you!

So I ask you this... are you a "trustable" or an "untrustable"?

Winston Wilbur,
Having funs in the sun!