Saturday, April 27, 2013

Tourist for a day

Hi everypuggy

Winston heres.

The other day Sam and I wents to Queen Elizabeth park.
It was kinda likes being a tourist for a day!

You can gets a good view of the city from theres.

Sam at the lookouts
Me at the lookouts
This place has lots of gardens and a greats view, it gets a lot of tourists.

with Mum in the garden area

While we were theres we stopped to pose for photos with the sculptures

peek a boo Sam
 I like to call these...

"pug circles" withouts the running!
I see you!

And that ends the tour today

your tour guide
Winston Wilbur

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Test Drives 2... Storming the Beach of Vancouver

Hi everypuggy,

As promised I have my full report ready for how the Dogger handles the beach terrain.

Living here in Vancouvers, we sure like to go to the beach.

Since I started to loose use of my back legs, we were no longer ables to visit the beach on account I wasn't ables to get arounds on the sand.

Me in my wheels, they aren't goods on sand!
This made me very sad.

Thanks to my new Dogger I am back at the beach!

Just looks at us on the sand, my dogger got me here!
The Dogger mades it all the way along the sand!

Even through dry and wet "clay like" sands!

Take a looks...

 We stopped and hung outs on the logs

Styl'in and profil'in at the beach
It is so amazing how it just glides along the sand.

Just looks at Dad pushing me!

Sam Cooper loves a good beach as much as I do,

He loves to chase the big dogs amongst the logs.

just looking to stir up some trouble!
It sure feels goods to be back at the beach!

Life doesn't come to a stop just because my legs do!

Watching the tug boats passing by has changed my life.

Mum loves that it is a Canadian Company too! From rights here in Vancouver!

The folks there are dedicated to making sure pugs like me enjoy my "golden years"

So, if anyone is looking to get ones, I strongly suggest The Dogger

Why not tell them

Winston Wilbur sent you!

Sunday, April 07, 2013

What's your lounging style?

Hi everypuggy,

Winston Wilbur heres

I loves my dog bed.

I loves to lounge in it.

Sam likes a good dog bed too.

Mum says whens we lounge we have two very differents lounging styles.

I lounge fully in my bed, forming my body to the shapes of my bed

Likes this...
I usually likes my pillow beside me too
All nice and cozy and comfy


Sam, on the other paw, lounges hanging outs of his bed

Likes this...

he fits in this bed curled ups, but he just likes to let it all hang outs!

Sam also likes the hard floor!

(Them young'uns... I can't do hard floors anymores, I needs cushioning!)

He has a favourite spot in the living room, it is where the sun shines in the afternoons...

I guess Mum is rights, we do have different lounging styles!

Sam makes a great pillows too!
What kinda lounging style do you haves?

Lounge ons my friends, lounge ons
Winston Wilbur