Saturday, August 08, 2009

Dickens takes a holiday (without me!)

My best pug pal Dickens went on a car ride down south. They travelled 3000 miles to go what us pugs call, Dog Housing aka Camping. Whatever humans think I am sorry....... but sleeping in a structure under the stars, without a kitchen, where there is one entrance, no bathroom and the room is small is pretty much sleeping in a dog house to us pugs. Click on the link below to see his pictures from his trip. I am super pug jealous that I did not get to go! Mum says next time if the offer comes up, she will let me go. Pics from Dickens' holiday..... click here

1 comment:

  1. You are so right Winston, that does sound like a dog house! Who would want to stay somewhere without a kitchen!?!?!?!?
