Sunday, November 29, 2009

Holiday Prep - Step 2 - The outdoor lights

So the holidays are drawing closer and the first step this year was to do my shoppings, which is done but..... still have to post them. Mum bought the wrong size packaging envelopes so she's gotta go out and get bigger ones! Anyways, I really wanted to put ups our tree but Mum said outdoor lights first. Here are pictures of us putting up our outdoor lights. Kizzy and TIka like to help out for this event (more than mes) as they find it fun to chase the string of lights across the floors.

First off..... Mum woke us up in the morning and announced today was outdoor light day!
Mum says I am the hardest, out of us 3, to get out of the bed in the morning.

Kizzy waking up

Tika being woken up

Official" light tester" and "bulb checker", Kizzy and Tika

Ah the laundry basket makes a great office for the manager of the light testing

The office is shared with the manager of the bulb checker

Mum erects the ladder, the fact that it was raining didn't deter her from putting up the lights

The things on the front porch had to be moved around to accommodate the holiday decorations. Mum moved my cement stepping stone from the doorway to the area near the entrance of our "wally gates". I was ok with this as Mum explained it will be the first thing people see when they come to the door. (2003! I wuz just a pups then, only 1 1/2 yrs old)

Our signature "2 Cats and a Dog" lawn stakes were moved closer into the porch to stay drier during winter.

The porch entrance way (were my stepping stone used to be). Mum also had to take down the summer hammock swing chair she gots in Mexico.

Kizzy comes to inspect the arrangement of decorations and gives it a 2 paws up

Here is a picture at nights. There is my stepping stone in front of the gates and to the right.
Wow, our little tree (left) is very brights.

A picture of the front door at nights.

And the last picture is the house from the streets. Mum tooks a blurry picture so it isn't very good.

Later in the afternoon my pal Dickens came for a bit of a visit. We wents for walkies in the graveyard near our house. It was kind of warms out and NOT raining! I hads a busy weekend!

Monday, November 23, 2009

My holiday Shopping

On Saturday was our monthly pug meet up. We were going to go then not going and when the rain paused for a bit we changed our mind one last time and went. There was lots of puggies there even though it was super wets. Here are some pictures. We weren't there long as we missed most of the meet up cause we kept changing our minds!

After we were finished Mum and I did my Holiday Shoppings. She took me to 2 different stores and I picked out what I needed. Here are some pictures of me inspecting my goods once we gots home.

Over the next day or two Mum will help me wraps them and put them in the post to send to my friends.
I had such a busy weekend that last night I snuggled up with Dad. (See Mum's snuggie blanket in the background. I just luvs it, I will get my own but not until January when Mum goes back to America.)

Kizzy and Tika have been complaining that they don't have much pictures on the blog. They say I am a bit hoggish and dominate it too much. So here they are too!

Kizzy sleeping on her cat tree. She luvs it up there. (note: that is my little doggie blanket she is sleeping on, I let her use it)

When I was lounging with Dad, Tika was hanging out with the Buddha. She was watching her sister playing with their toy last night (I let them keep some of their toys with mine in my new toy area). These pictures demonstrates that I do shares with them.... sometimes.

Friday, November 20, 2009

My new friend, Penny... Good news and some bad news

The not so good news is my blog pal is not feeling well. Penny (Beefy Pug) has been sick and her Mum is super worried about her. Please stop by her blog and leave a message and send prayers and well wishes her way.With all our luvs sent her way let's hope she gets better soon.

The good news is... I gots an award! This is my first. Thanks Penny for listing me for this award.

So I have listed below 5 things I really like:

1. Eating (No surprise here as I am a pug! Oh yeah, this includes goose poop and mud)
2. Play with my chuck-it  at the beach and dig holes in the sand
3. Hang out with Mum all the time
4.  Go for walkies with my pug pal Dickens
5. My pug luvs, Tuni (who I might add is very cutes and hots in her new dress)

Here is Mum's list:

1. Hanging out with Winston
2. Cuddling with our cats Tika and Kizzy
3. Travelling (specially Mexico)
4. Shopping
5. Blogging with other people owned by pugs

We noticed that lots of our friends have already been nominated for this award. So we won't list 10 peoples. But anyone who stops by our blog please accept this award from me!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sigh! Another Rain and Wind Warning... When will it be Spring!

I have been doing lots of this lately. The rains has been falling so much. Last night Mum and I woke up in the middle of the night because of the strong winds. The roads are flooding, it is too windy and wet to play outside and I am fed ups with getting soaked on my walkies.

Environment Canada has issued a Wind and Rain Warning for tonight and tomorrow so because we are stuck inside during this crumby weathers I decided to post some pics of some of my things inside my homes.

Above is a pic of my new toy area! Mum and Dad have been doing some renos in the homes. In the living room they made this little alcove under the big TV for my toy box. Looks at all my toys!!! (see the two toys on the floor to the right, those aren't mines. They are my cat sisters', I was nice enough to allow them to keep some toys in MY new toy area). I have been playing with my toys lots cause of this rainy weather. I means, I gotta keep busy somehow! 

With all the renos going ons I keep finding my things relocated to different areas of the home. Mum says this is temporary....... so it doesn't gets in the way. Here is a pic of me with my bed. I like my bed to be in the hallway near the front doors, but today it is upstairs in the computer rooms. Hey! what happened to my favourite blanket! MUM!!!!!! (oh..... she just told me it is being washed, phew! I thought it gots lost in the shuffle).

This is one of my favourite areas in the house. My feeding tray in the kitchen. I gots my own name plaque (so that my cat sisters know it is MY food, not theirs!). What is so specials about my food area is the tray. See, Mum mades that for me. She thought I looked uncomfortable stretching out my front legs like a giraffe so I could eat from my bowl, that she made me a raised tray. She made it at her woodshop, it is mades of 2 different types of woods (Mum said something about scraps lying around from the table project). She custom made it to fits my feeding dishes. She did not make my name plaque.

This pic above is something my pug pal Dickens had on his harness and Mum thought it a good idea I gets one too. It is a  turbo turtle LED light from a store called Mountain Co-Op Equipment   (notes: I don't likes this store as it doesn't have "pet" in the name and I am not allowed inside). Dickens' Dad took Mum to this store and he showed Mum the light. She gots me blues as it is my favourite colour. She likes the light, especially in this dark rainy weather. We turn it on when I go out for walkies and Mum can see me in the dark but she says it is mostly for my safety so cars and bikes can see me.

Here is a pic of me watching Mum on the computer (OMD she is playing Christmas music right now!). I like lounging here as this blanket is so very cosy and warms. I just wish it was blues not pinks as I am a boy!

Here is me and Mum hanging out watching TV and staying dry inside.

Here is a video of me and my new chewy from Simply 4 paws an online pet store! I luvs my chewy (Mum says this keeps me busy while we are cooped up inside). There are strict rules for having chewy though, I can only have it while she monitors as I sometimes have a habit of swallowing too big of a piece! She said something about Pearl doing a similar thing in a video on her blog . Mum was videoing me while she was watching TVs.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Negative results and Remembrance Day with a blanket

Hi everyone, we gots the results last night. My lump in a benign fat lump. YEAH YEAH YEAH. We are all so relieved and super happy. Thank you for all your wonderful comments and support.

On another note today is Remembrance Day, so please take a moment to remember all the people who have served our/your Country. Clover has posted a very nice Remebrance Day post, very informative.

And some pics of my new blanket. Mum went to petsmart (without me I might add! pfft) and bought me a new blanket for the bed. She liked it because it was nice and big and a light colour to hide my furs. I just luvs the softenss of it. Here are pics of me with my new blanket.

Monday, November 09, 2009

PHEW! no worries..... and we have another Rain Fall Warning!

Ok so today was the day Mum tooks me to the Vet. We droves all the way into Vancouver which tooks almost an hour! But Mum really likes the Granville Island Animal Clinic rather than the one close to homes. She says its cause they just know more about us Puggers at that one. When we gots there I was weighed. I tipped the scales at 35.6 lbs. We were then ushered into a room. I was a little nervous so I sat under Mum's chair shivering and hiding. Dr. Clark came in and looked at Mum and said "First off, we need to talk about weight, this is heavy for a pug". Then I walked out from under the chair to say Hi to the Doc. He looked at me then at Mum and said "Ok, let me retract that statement. This is the biggest pug I have ever seen! He probably needs to drop only about 3 to 5 pounds, he certainly is tall and big overall for a pug" Mum told him that I was not on steroids that my daddy was a big boy too. This is my first time seeing this Doc and I loved him. He looked me over and checked my teeths. He couldn't believe how much of a lucky puggers I was for having hardly no plaque build ups. Something about Genetics to which Mum said "yes that and the size of him". I do have a yeast infection in my ears so I have to have drops once a day until the drops are finished. Now to the lump. He looked it over, took a sample with a needle which did not hurt one bit!!!! Then he told Mum it is most likely a fat deposit and there is no need to worry. It can be left alone unless it gets really large. I looked at Mum and could see the reliefs on her face. She is super happy right now. In about 2 days we get the final results but the Doc seemed pretty confident it was nothing to worry about. YEAH!

On the way home I got a treat for being so good. We also stopped at Home Depot and I went in with Mum and got loads of attention. Then the rain came. Lots of it. And the wind. Now I am at homes curled up on Mum's Snuggie. She says I really need to get one of my own and I thinks she may go back to America to gets me one!

Me in the exam room at the Dr's, I am a little nervous.

This weather warning results in......

Cuddling on Mum's Snuggie. I luvs rainy days.

Friday, November 06, 2009

A little bit of a Worry

Well mum was giving me a pug massage the other day and she discovered a small lump under my fur on my left side. She spent about 15 minutes poking me and checking out both my sides then going back and pulling my skin, poking some more that it just  got  plain old bothersome for me. She looked at me and said something about Dr. Clark then I looked at her and she seemed really worried. That was on Tuesday of this week. She just announced I have an appointment at that place in Vancouver called the Vet. We go on Monday. She was talking to me last night saying it could be just a lump. I know mum..... she gets super worried and thinks the worst. "oh my small guy what if it is life threatening" she says. I keep telling her I ain't a "small guy" by any means but I have now just come to realize that if she likes to think of me that way then I will just let her, if it keeps her mind at ease she can call me "small guy" til the cows come home. I will let you know how it goes on Monday, apparently I am overdue for my exam anyway so it is time for a check up. Are there any other pugs out there that have had any small lumps?

Anyway we had a rainfall warning yesterday and it is pretty wet again today so here is how I have been spending my last two days!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

What do you mean Summer is over!

Yesterdays wuz my mum's birthday, so I slept over at my pug pal Dickens' house as mum was out for dinner. Mum picked me up this morning then we went to the beach in Vancouver. We don't go into Vancouver that often but look at how nice it was at this beach today. Mum got some pics of me with the city behind. Wow, feels little like summer. Can this really be November 1?