Friday, November 20, 2009

My new friend, Penny... Good news and some bad news

The not so good news is my blog pal is not feeling well. Penny (Beefy Pug) has been sick and her Mum is super worried about her. Please stop by her blog and leave a message and send prayers and well wishes her way.With all our luvs sent her way let's hope she gets better soon.

The good news is... I gots an award! This is my first. Thanks Penny for listing me for this award.

So I have listed below 5 things I really like:

1. Eating (No surprise here as I am a pug! Oh yeah, this includes goose poop and mud)
2. Play with my chuck-it  at the beach and dig holes in the sand
3. Hang out with Mum all the time
4.  Go for walkies with my pug pal Dickens
5. My pug luvs, Tuni (who I might add is very cutes and hots in her new dress)

Here is Mum's list:

1. Hanging out with Winston
2. Cuddling with our cats Tika and Kizzy
3. Travelling (specially Mexico)
4. Shopping
5. Blogging with other people owned by pugs

We noticed that lots of our friends have already been nominated for this award. So we won't list 10 peoples. But anyone who stops by our blog please accept this award from me!


  1. Congratulations on your marvelous award! Your very first!
    Thank you for sharing about your friend Penny. We did not know her- but we went to send some love and get well wishes for her and her mom.

  2. Winstons you are such a great pug guy! I see you eats poops too, just likes me! I have never tried goose poops but maybe I will this spring. If you ever get a chance Sequoia's poop is prety good!

    Pug Hugs Tuni

  3. hi winston!
    congratulations on your award!
    you are a very special puggy!
    we love penny too and just sent her a note.
    you are such a good friend.

    have a fabulous weeeknd!
    m & e

  4. Congrats on your award! Dropped in on Penny and left her some well wishes. You are a mighty thoughtful pug to let us know about Penny. Have a great weekend!

    Could you send some cold weather to central Florida?
