Friday, February 05, 2010

My award from my Pug Luvs

Hello every puggy
the other days I gots tagged for an award from my pug luvs, Tuni 
Here is the award below. Mum gots hold of the blog and I had to waits before I could do this post. Hmfpt, that stupid crime scene incident, whatever!
Anyways I have to list 10 thing I likes to do so here goes:

Playing my Chuck-it with Mum
Going to the beach
Blogging with my pug friends
Hanging out with my pug pal DIckens
Playing the NO NO game with Dad
Going in the car
and of course one of my most favourite things....... blogging with my pug luvs Tuni! 

I pass this award to all my blogging friends that visit my site

there are others I want to add but we have to go now, we are shorts for time rights now. We luv all our friends.


  1. Hello Winstons!

    I likes you list of all your stuff you likes to do. And Mom laughed really long at how you posted Sequoia with the 'whatevers' added! I told hers that is how we post about Sequoia, whatevers.


  2. Hi Winston!

    Congrats on the award, and thanks
    for passing it along to us!
    Penny and I hope you
    have a great

    -Dana & Penny

  3. Hi Winston! Congrats on your award. Just like me you put eating at the top of the list of things you like to do. We have our priorities in order.

    You are so lucky to have Tuni as your pug luvs because she is so sweet.

    Stubby xoxo

  4. Hi Winston
    Congratualtions on your award.
    You are very deserving.
    Thank you for passing it onto me,
    and I love your list of things that you like to do.
