Monday, September 13, 2010

The Green Stubby Report - The cat is outta the bag!

Today's topic....... Reusable Bags (Stubby would be prouds!).

Hi everyone, Tika and Kizzy heres. Winston just gots back from his retreat and is resting so we are taking over the blog and doing The Green Stubby Report.

Mum was at the grocery store a while back and found these wonderful bags in the produce aisle.
Tika will talks about these ones.

Tika heres, ok.... The reusable bags are a netting bag with a drawstring to be used for.... produce. 

You all know those plastic bags they provide in the produce section, the ones that you pile all your tomatoes, apples, oranges etc. into. Well this bag is meant for that purpose. 

Mum was totally thrilled to find these. You gets 3 bags for $2.99. The bags are washable and large enough to hold your produce and yet very lightweight. They are abouts the same size as the plastic ones the store provides. Now when mum shops she takes these bags with her and puts her veggies and fruits into them instead of littering the environment with the plastic.

Here is a close ups of one of the bags

The next item

I will talks about these bags.

Mum found these at Indigo Books (of all places!)

Reusable zip lock bags for packed lunches!
Here I am showing them offs. You get 3 per box.
1 large one and 2 smaller ones.

Mum uses them for her lunch. The big pink one holds her sandwich and the 2 smaller ones hold cut veggies, crackers, snacks.... pretty much anythings.

They are lightweight, washable and they DO keep the food fresh! They are also waterproofs!
They zip close with a zipper. Very cool!

Yup I am liking this product very much, no more plastic zip lock bags for Mum!

Well this review of reusable bags has sure tired us outs!

We gotta go take a naps, well actually we gotta reply to a secret email from Wilma first, then take a naps.

Winston is napping he is seems very exhausted and a bit frazzled from the retreat..... something about girls! Hmmmm.... Hee Hee.

This concludes this months editions of The Green Stubby Report

Tika and Kizzy


  1. Anonymous03:22

    Oh my gosh! You guys...those are SO cool! And green!! You know, we don't even have those eco friendly Walmart things that you blogged about a while back. Momma is going to try to order them off the website.....and she's GOT to get some of those bags too!!

  2. Thank you so very much Tika and Kizzy for the awesome ways we can protect our environment, keep food fresh, and save kibble monies.
    Much pug luvs and hugs,
    The Slimmer Puggums

  3. I saw some of those produce bags (or similar ones) once at Whole Foods. I will definitely look into those! Thanks for the green update!

  4. Hey green girls! Well Mom is already excited to see the mesh bags for veggies. When we go to the produce stand Mom doesn't even put most of her veggies and stuff in abag if she can help it. Now these are perfect. Thanks for the great info!!!

    Oh Tuni wanted you to pass on that she is going to be a lady bug for halloween. Mom got the costume from Clementine and Winstons mo Ladypug blog. Clemmie grew out of its. She also wants to know if Winston has a costume yet?


  5. Oh you guys sure are green!!!


  6. These are awesome! Thanks so much for sharing your finds, girls!

    Pee-S: We need to have a sunflower meeting soon. Arpel needs to report on 'his' findings!

  7. Tika and Kizzy,
    do you know what I think?
    I think Stubby would be so proud to read your GREEN report!
