Monday, December 12, 2011

I am back and... with a new set of wheels!

Hi everypuggy,

School is outs! Mum is dones! She tooks website developments, and is now just waiting for her final grade.

Anyways, I have lots to catch ups on so I won't waste any times...

Today I start with my new set of wheels.

Mum says that I am finding it hards to handle her nice long walks. Something abouts aging PFT whatevers...

anyways, she thoughts I needed a hot little vehicle so that I can still go with hers on her long walks.

Cuz of my weight and Mum's budget she actually purchased a child's vehicle. The "dogger" was too much money with Mum and her school fees. I am too heavy for the kinds that my Tuni has gots. So Mum shopped arounds and found this hot little number. 

Tah Dah...
My new set of wheels

How do I looks?

Isn't the colour very masculines?
Do you thinks it is sporty lookings?

Here it is in actions...

It is so cools I just luvs going for long walks nows.

Speaking of walks... gotta go for a spin nows...


Winston Wilburs


  1. Winston,
    Sweet ride! Yours is way more masculine than mine! Have fun cruising around!
    Love, Marlene

  2. Wow, you look so regal in your new wheels!
    Mack also has the same kind of wheels! Hu-mom bought a used baby stroller at a garage sale for $4, did a little alteration and Mack now has a great ride! We know you'll love it.

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and Mack

  3. Hi Winston Wilburs, its so nice to have you back! Hope your Mum enjoys her rest from School and good luck with her final grade! Paws crossed! Wow Winston you look so super cute in your new ride! It looks totally Pug Pimped out!!! I'm gunna see if I have time to write a quick letter to Santa to see if he will get me a cool stroller like that! Love, Licks and Phugs from your friend Frank xxxxxx

  4. Winston, your wheels are very cool! We think your mom was clever to buy a child's stroller instead of a pet one!

    Have fun on your walks...and a very happy holiday to you all!

  5. Anonymous09:53

    Wowwie! And its a convertable! Yous will be able to feel the wind blowing through your jowels!

  6. Very cool, Winston! My mom wanted to get me some wheels, but she's not sure I'll want to stay in it...and I think she's right! Glad your mum is done with her class, whew! And happy to have you back!!

  7. Winston, I love it!!! You do look rather sporty in it and what a great alternative to the "dogger"! Now you can really enjoy those walks.

  8. yeaaaa Winston is back!
    I love your wheels, and you look so cool sitting in it! Gee, it looks to me like it can go FAST! Its perfect for you!! Your so lucky your momma found that for you!

  9. OMP! You are the cool cruiser ever! Is there room in your ride for Tuni because the two of you would so cute cruising together!


  10. You look cool in your fancy new wheels!

  11. Hi Winston,
    Welcome back? Are you giving rides in your new wheels?


  12. Hot wheels, bud!

    My mom bought a "sissy mobile" fer us when O'Mally was around, but I am NOT about tuh git in that dang thing 'til I absolutely HAVE to.

  13. Nice wheels Winston!!! We can go for a spin now together someday. We hope you enjoy the rides.

