Saturday, January 14, 2012

Chains Required

Hello everypuggy,

Winston heres.
My BFF, Dickens, is staying over for the weekend. His peeps left for Vegas on Friday.

Good things they left when they dids.
This is what we woke up to on Saturday!

We headed to our usual hangout for a walk.

Brrrrrr it was chilly.  The snow was really hard and crunchy to walks on. It froze over so it was likes walking on glass. The wind flapped our ears arounds too!

After a short distance, we couldn't handle the sharp snow anymores.

Mum bundled us ups into the pugmobile.
just enoughs room for two!

the snow is turning to ice! Better chain up Mum!

We stop to ponder chaining ups. I hope Mum has enough chains for each wheel!

Brrr this wind chill is bone chilling!

Looks at this landscape!   Forget the walk... skip putting the chains on... let's just gets back in the car!

While we now lounge all warm and cozy at homes, I leaves you with a short video from earlier.

Stay warms,
Winston Wilbur


  1. Brrr! We had a nice sunny day (but furry cold) out here where me lives. You Puggy Buggy is cute! If my Mommy gots a Nellie Mobile, me might go for walks too!

  2. Hey there, it is sharp and ugly out there isn't it!!! We went for our last pee at 10 and it is like glass out there....we make Mum come in the yard with us.....her wasn't too happy and she made sure she did not let us play and run incase we got hurt pooper...We needs a pugmobile too!!!!

  3. Holy cow! Your stroller wheels are even frozen. That is way too cold to be outside.
    Hope you thaw out soon!

  4. Brrrr Winston! We didn't get snow till very early this morning. Mom was prepared though she had Dad lay the tarp out so he just lifted it up and there was a nice green grassy pee spot for me (and my sisters whatevers). Keep those paws warm in your pawsome pug mobile.


  5. So that's what snow is like. It really doesn't sound fun Winston but at least your Mum was nice enough to push you around for your walk.

  6. Winston, first I must say BRR! How silly to be out in that white stuff! Next, I must say that you and Dickens are just too cute for words sharing that pugmobile!

  7. Nice ride, bud!

    It sure is good o' yer mom tuh brave the cold outdoors sos you can have a little adventure.

    Hail, MY mom's doin' good just tuh go tuh the mailbox in this weather I tell ya what!

  8. Wowza that is cold

  9. Anonymous05:41

    Oh, you guys have the LIFE! Mama makes me WALK in that stuff. Well. In the fluffy white stuff, at least. I get princess-carried over the sludge. Hm. Help me figure out how to make mama buy me a Pugmobile, too, k? Puggie love to you,
    Lola Pug

  10. Anonymous05:44

    Oh, Winston, that Pugmobile looks amazing. How can we convince my mama to get one for ME? Kisses to you both.
    Lola Pug

  11. oh my gosh!
    you are brave puggies to venture out in the cold & snow!
    your pug mobile has 4 wheel drive!
    stay warm!!!!
    a & m

  12. Hi there Winston!
    I love having my friends over to play, your friend Dickens looks cute, he looks very wise, like a Pug Yoda! What is he like?
    I love that you went out in the snow, you guys need a coat on or something!
    Oh my pugness Brrrrrr its making me feel cold just looking at all that snow! you deffo need snow tires on your Pugmobile! You needs someone to pimp yous ride!!!! Awww I dont like it when the wind flaps my ears around, it makes me unhappy, but I love the taste of snowflakes and like to make puggy pee snowcones ... dont eat that yellow snow everypuggy! Love, Licks and Pug Hugs from Frank xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  13. Winston- these photos of you and Dickens and the video- made me and my moms smile so much! It was so fun seeing you both in your little pug mobile- this is just adorable!
