Saturday, February 11, 2012

Waiting for Mum!

Hi everypuggy,

Well Mum is back taking her courses and studyings so we may not be on the blog as much for the next 2 weeks.

For those who were asking... Mum is taking Web development and Design. She is studying Javascripts right nows and she says it is kind of hards!

In the meantime I have resigned to forcing myself into my feline sister's bed while I wait for Mum to finish her studyings.

Yah it is a bit of a snug fit, but the blanket sure is cozy!

Winston Wilbur


  1. Hi Winston
    I know how important it is for your momma to be studying very hard!
    Your felines sisters bed does look so comfys!
    And you mighty cute- sleeping in it,

  2. Winston - we have a snoopy bed just like that :) Good luck to your mom with the javascript class - mom took a java class two semesters ago and she will agree with your mom that it is kind of hard. Our mom made it through though and we know yours will too!

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Yoda, Brutus & Ellie

  3. Winston, buddy.....whutever works. Just watch out fer the cat gittin' all hot in the pants if she sees ya in 'er bed.

    Git back tuh Blogtown as soon as ya can!

  4. You look so sweet and cozy in that bed. Make sure you keep mom from stressing too much while she studies

  5. Aww, Winston, we miss you already, but tell your mum to study hard, and help her out when you can.

  6. Even though it's a tight fit, that bed looks mighty comfy! Stay cozy until your mom finishes her studyings!

    Pug love from,
    Pearl & Daisy

  7. You look pretty comfy even if it is a bit snug! I know you'll be there helping your mom with her studies, Winston. And I know your help with make the difference, too!!

  8. Is there room for little old me in there Winston Woons?

    Tuni Woons

  9. This school stuff never ends! But it makes them happy and has the potential to provide more treat money, so we guess it's ok.
    We would eat the Snoopy head but that bone blanket looks so cozy! That fabric would make awesome pugjamas!

  10. hi winston!

    oh we love seeing you!

    happy valentine's day to you and your mum!

    we love you!

    m & a

  11. Hi Winston! Awww your Momma is doing so well with all the school work,studying very hard! Good job! My Mum is starting a course in September, she is doing holistic therapy, its only two evenings a week but I will miss her for those days, so I feel sad for you! Oh my Pugness you look so cute on your sisters bed! It looks nice and comfy! Mmmmm! Its making me sleepy! time for a snooze! ZZzzzzz! Love Frank xxxxxx
