Tuesday, March 06, 2012

I spy with my pug eye...

Hi everypuggy,

Winston heres.

I went birdwatching yesterdays.
Not just any bird, I saw snowy owls!!

Every 5 years they gather right heres near my house at an area called Boundry Bay.

This year I gots to check them out!

First stop was the look out at the end of this trail

It was a lot of stairs to climbs but totally worths it!

We saw tons and I mean tons of eagles! (This one is kind of blurry.)

Knock Knock... anyone homes?!       

It was super windy but I had lots of fun at the lookouts.

 Next we got in the car and headed to the dyke.
I had to go in my pugmobile to see the owls.

Here we are!

It was such a nice day even though it was windy, I took in some rays....

Wait, what is that.... MUM GETS MY BINOCULARS.... QUICKS
Yup just what I thoughs.... Snowy Owls!!
Here is a pair of them.
 Mum just luved the way the owls turned their heads
Can you see the white one is facing the camera!
A close ups of them.

Oh my pug... the bigger one... he turned his head to looks at me!

This is just way too cools!

OMP another big one looking at me!

And another one!
Holy pugs.... look what is coming down the dyke!

Horses! And the owls didn't seem to mind!

That was such a pawsome experience. I am so glads I went to see the snowy owls.

Hoot Hoot

Winston Wilbur


  1. Wow Winston that is way cool. I love your binocular shot. Mom likes owls because of the harry potter movies. I hear I am getting a squeaky owl for my 11th b day

    Tubby (Urban Hounds)

  2. Oh My Pugness Winston Wilbur what an amazing experience, such a big adventure for such a little Pug! I cant believe that you got to see Snowy owles, it looks like such a wonderful walk, you look cute sat in your pugmobile going to see the owls with your Binoculars! There were so many animals to see, such wonderful wildlife! Were you scared of the hourses or even the owls? You look like you are enjoying it! Love, Licks, Pug Hugs and Tummy Rubs from your Friend Frank xxxxxxx

  3. OMP!! The snowy owls are so cool! We are a bit jealous of you Winston!! Love the pic of you sitting in your pugmobile soaking in the sun :)

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Yoda, Brutus & Ellie

  4. Oh Winston, how cool!!!! Such a great experience!! You are so lucky!!


  5. OMD! What a pawsome adventure, Winston! How lucky you were to go visit the owls. We've had some snowies in our area but Momma hasn't taken me to see them. Please talk some sense into her!


  6. What a great adventure, Winston! Please thank your mom for sharing all those great pictures of the owls.

  7. Winston what a super cool adventure you had!!!! I love the pictures of the snowy owls! Those are so cool!
    Love Noodles

  8. That was an awesome day, Winston! I bet the owls were hoping that they would see a pug this season. What did you think about the horses? They are so big!

  9. Winston what a fun adventure. It looks like your chin is getting better too.

    Tuni Woons and those other 2 pugs

  10. Hi Winston!
    Oh my gosh- Boundry Bay must be a very sacred place to the owls!
    Thank you for sharing your visits with us !
    They are magnificent, and their beautiful feathers looked so soft! And their eyes!
    They looked like they were soaking in some sun rays!
    I liked the sign that said respect the owl space.
    I saw that one owl looking at you! Gosh!
    Thank goodness you had those binoculars!
    What a day. I wish that I could have seen them too. I would never forget the experience.

  11. oh my gosh winston!
    look what you spied!
    we love your pug eye and those snowy owls!
    m & a

  12. Anonymous18:30

    Haha! HOOT! HOOT! Back at you, Wonston! My people are insisting on taking ME to see the snowy owls, too! How long are they there for? So cool! And I'm very impressed at how you worked those binoculars. VERY handsome!

  13. WOW ... we have never seen Owls! They are awesome! Thanks for sharing your adventure with us!!! Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty

  14. Oh my Pug! They look as big as us. Living in the city, we don't get to see much wildlife, at least not up close. But we do have bald eagles living here. Fortunately, they don't come after the little dogs like the hawks do. Those eagles are HUGE!
    That sure looked like fun, though.

  15. Ooooh...Mommy LOVES owls, especially snowy owls. What great photos and you look adorable. Our favorite is of you sitting in your pugmobile - the picture right after the picture of the owl sign.

    And you won't believe this but Mommy's niece lives in Vancouver and just sent us her pictures of visiting the snowy owls!

    Pug love from,
    Pearl & Daisy
