Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A star is born

Hi Everypuggy,

 I have to tell you...

that I have a pug pal named Lola, who is a film star!
Last weekend she came outs to our pug meet and filmed a movie.

Lola and me at the dog park

Stop by her blog and check it out!

Maybe ask for her pawtograph while your there.


Winston Wilbur


  1. Hey Winston!

    That's so cool you got to hang out with Lola.
    This is a very sexy photo of the two of you.
    We wanted to let you know that we are indeed
    going to the Seattle Pug Gala in June. We can't
    wait to finally meet you and your mom!

    We hope you are having a great week!

    -Dana, Daisy and Bruce

  2. So exciting thanks for sharing

    urban hounds

  3. Hi Winston Wilbur!
    Awww you and your little black pug pal Lola look soooo cute together! Oh I really need her pawtograph for sure! What movie did she film??
    I hope you had lots of fun together!
    Love, Licks and Hugs with Tummy Rubs from your friend Frank xxxxxxxx

  4. Lola's mom is so creative! Looked like you all had a good time.

  5. I loved Lola's movie! Thank you for sharing.

  6. Look at you hanging out with a movie star! Lola's video was very cute, thanks for sharing with us :)

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Brutus & Ellie
