Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Hi everypuggy,

Winston heres.

Yesterday Mum was sweeping the floors and saids "look at all this sand on the floor".

It was beach sand.

We love the beach and we love to spend most of our time at the beach.
There is always so much to explore and see.

I loves a good beach on a sunny days
I luvs the feel of the sand between my toes and the sounds of the waves.

I don't thinks Sam Cooper had ever been to a beach before he came to live with us.

He didn't know what to think of the starfish or the big wooden poles!

Sam has no idea what to thinks of this purple starfish!

These poles needed a goods barking at!
My most favourite things about the beach...

Is hanging with Mum and watching the surf.

Looks at those waves!

If you are ever heres on Canada's West Coast

Why nots come on down to the beach and say hi...

Just looks for the two handsome boys lounging ons the sand.

SEA yous later!

Winston Wilbur


  1. You two were very lucky to find a starfish! And a beautiful one too. :)
    I'd love to go to the beach soon before my summer college class starts, unfortunately I won't have two handsome pug companions to join me. ;( However, if I do go, I will be thinking about you and Sam! Lots of love from me to you.<3

  2. oh my you too look so pug cuddly and sexy hanging out in that sand, the curves. i just want to snuggle you right through the computer.

    urban hounds

  3. You guys are really handsome Canadian doods for sure. We don't have beaches like that her in iowa but we do have sand, its in a container for the grandmonsters to dig in.....not the same ....sigh.....
    stella rose

  4. How fun! We love the beach too! At first we thought that star fish was fake! We have never seen a purple one before!


  5. HI Winston and Sam
    I am so happy you got to go see the ocean, and see the purple star fishy. I never saw a purple one either.
    Did you see Puff while you were there?

  6. Turns out Donald is a big fan of the beach many great smells. I can't stop Awwwing at the photo of you and your mum, Winston. You should frame it.
