Happy New Year's Eve every puggy.
Here are pictures from our Christmas. Mum says that after the writing of the letters and squabbles over certain incidents (who was at fault!)... incidents that Santa might consider us naughty, we woke ups on the big day to lots of presents.
So first here are the letters.
Dear Fat Man in Red
I was a super good girl this year. I shared all our toys with my sister. I tried not to hog the food bowl.I only stuck my paw into the garbarator to pull out food just once this year. I did NOT dig holes in the garden.... come on I am a cat. Dogs dig holes !!! Also please don't hold me accountable for the pork chop incident. The pug did that not me. The pork chop found it's way to the carpet from Dad's plate when Winston jumped on the table. But go easy on him, remember Tika and the donuts. We did attack the box and Tika did rat us out by NOT licking the white powder off her nose. But you still gave us great gifts that year. Anyway, I really would love some nice fresh catnip and some furry mice to go with it.
Luv Kizzy
Dear Santa,
I have been a really good cat this year as I always am every year. May I remind you that donut incident was instigated by Kizzy not me. I was super good this year about not pooping in the bath tub even when Mum forgot to clean the litter box one morning. I tried hard not to instigate fights with my sister only to have her beat me up. I am sorry I gave Mum and Kizzy attitude when Kizzy returned from the vet.... but they did smell funny. I hope to find a nice slab of ham in my stocking, (maybe leave it in the fridge so it doesn't go off, Mum might get mad if my stocking starts to smell). I would also like some more cat toys, I am not fussy but, I really like the fuzzy mice.
Luv Tika
Dear Santa Paws,
I have been a good boy all year. Let me starts by saying the pork chop incident was Kizzy not me. I can not possibly get on the table and Mum will vouch for that too! Please don't get mads at me for the large pot holes in the garden..... that was the cats. I was pretty goods about sharing my toys. I did not sit and bark at molecules in the air just to annoy Mum (well she thinks I am barking at nothing but I do hear things she doesn't). I was really goods for the vets and I was super goods for Mum when she would groom me, I was not wiggly. For Christmas I would luv a new squeaky toy. I luv the chicken stixs treats by NRG so I would appreciate a bag of those too. I would luvs a plane ticket to Virginia so I cans visit Tuni (that one is probably way too much to ask for but hey worth the try) Oh and if you could do something about the grey cat in our house I would really like that best. Perhaps a one way ticket to the North Pole?
Luv Winston
Now for the pictures
First off we went into the yard to see if we could find any evidence of Santa even being here.
Kizzy thought he may have crushed the bamboo with his sleigh but nope he did not.
I looked for tracks in the frosty grass but I founds none!
Tika thought that she may find tracks in the garden soil but there were none there too!
Santa is sneaky, then Mum said somethings about the roof. We were too scared to check that out, ok well Kizzy said she would but Mum said NO to dangerous!
I gots busted trying to sneak into my presents early. Do I looks guilty.... Mum says I do.
Here I am opening my gifts. I got lots of treats and toys.
This is me posing just before I was allowed to tear into my gifts.
MMMMMM chicken stix
action shot
Here I am showing offs my new pillow that Mum made for me!
It is brown with dog bones on it.
After the excitement we cuddled down for some ZZZZZZZ
Kizzy tooks a good photo for Mum
Tika was super exhausted
So was I. I gets super excited then I get so tired.
Later I hung out and chewed on my squeaky toy from Tuni
Now Mum and I are watching TVs while we waits for midnight to welcome in 2010
But I am getting sleepy I can't stop yawnings
Mum and I can't wait for midnight.

Good Nights every pug, Happy New Years