Saturday, January 02, 2010

Our Blogversary..... from the archives

Hello every pug. Well, it was 4 years ago that we started our blog Two Cats and a Pug. Enjoy our slide show of images from the archives.

Happy New Year everyone. Welcome 2010

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  1. Happy Blogaversary!

    What a pawesome peek into the arkhives too!

    Here's to many many more!


  2. Winston, those are some great pictures in your slideshow!! I especially like the pic of you on the stairs with the flowerpot! Oh, yeah, the kitties are cute, too. Happy Blogoversary!!

  3. Happy Blogoversary all!

    We loves the picture thing. All the picutes were great but you knows I got my eyes on a certain pugger. You are so cutes as a pup. So many adventures too :)

    Pug Hugs, Tuni

  4. Happy Blogversary my friends.
    Your photo show was out of this world.
    We did not know you then. But we are very happy to know you now, and we wish you many more bloggy years.

  5. hi winston!

    happy new year and blogoversary!

    we love your video and blog!

    melissa and emmitt

  6. Great slideshow! Happy blogversary!
    Stay warm. It is freezing here in central Florida! Best wishes for the New Year!!

  7. Congratulationd buddy! I didn't know you had a blog for SO long! I have mine since sept 08. I loved your pictures at the beach. I love to roll in the sand and sometimes I like to swim, sometimes I don't! Oh and I think your siblings are really cool. Mine are fishes and I can't play with them :(

  8. Anonymous12:28

    That is an awesome video!!

    Happy blogoversary and happy new years!! :)
