Tuesday, January 05, 2010

THANK YOU! Tuni and Sequoia

Woo Hoo! I heards someone leave something at the door today. Mum came home and found this!

I gots super duper excited when Mum brought it in and said "look what has arrived from Tuni and Sequoia". Here is video of me trying to get into my package.

Mum had to helps me as it was a good strong plastic envelopes.
Here is what we found inside.

The first one I opened had a label that said it was from only Tuni. Here is what she gaves me. We can't get these here in Canada and I know these are Tuni's favourites. Guess what..... they are now one of my favourites too!

The next package contained this toy. This toy was from Sequoia and Tuni. I luvs the new toy. I played pug o war with Mum and me.

Mum gots a little firm with me when I tried to opens the other two gifts. They were not for me. They were for my sisters, Kizzy and Tika. Mum had to hold me back as I got so excited and wanted all the gifts to myself. Mum even showed me the tag to prove they weren't for me, cause I did not believe her.

Mum called the girls and they came to check out what they gots.

Here is Kizzy trying to open her gift. This is when Mum gots mad at me for barging in and taking the gift from Kizzy.

They gots this cool toy that I actually grabbed from Mum and ran down the hall with. Kizzy gots mad at me for that! Then Mum tooks it away and gave it back to my sisters. I was just wanting to see its that was all.

They also gots these which Tika luved! She batted them all over the floor. Oh see my toy there on the floors, I really likes it. Thanks Girls.

I also liked the little cat toys but Mum gots mad at me saying something about how I might breaks them cause I am hard on my toys when I plays. Whatevers, I was just inspecting it to make sure it was ok.

After I managed to get Winston to calm down, I managed to get this picture of him and Kizzy playing quietly together.

MUM! yous is making me looks bad in front of Tuni!!!!!
Jeeze, anyway for anyone who doesn't know..... this here is my pug luvs Tuni.
Isn't she super cutes! She was so wonderful to send us these things.

Also.... here is her sister Sequoia. She is cute too but my heart belongs to Tuni.
(shhh, here is a secret just between you and me.... my bestest pug friend, Dickens is so in luvs with Sequoia! )

Yes Winston is correct. These two girls have wonderful warm hearts. Thank you to your Momma for the great gifts for us all. We loved the Christmas Card too.

Ok Mum now you are embarrassing me! Ok here is one more thing for you all to see (specially yous Tuni) another video of me showing off my newly learned tricks. Who says you can't teach an older  mature pug new tricks!!!!


  1. Anonymous02:14

    Hi Winston!
    Man, that's a great haul y'all got. I don't blame you for grabbing all the toys. But you gotta share and play nice as long as your mom is watching.....

  2. Those girls are wonderful aren't they. What wonderful pressies for all of you!

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Yoda & Brutus

  3. Winston! What a nice package from Tuni & Sequoia! You are right- they really do have wonderful, big hearts! You and Tuni are such a lovely couple!

    Oh, and I was very impressed with your tricks! You are so smart Winston!!


  4. Ooooh, those are some great pressies! How nice how Tuni and Sequoia.

    Stella, Gunther and Betty

  5. Dear sweet Winston,

    We are so happy you gots the gifts Winston! You looked really cutes opening the package.

    Mom didn't know you can't the pizzas treats their, we are glad you like thems as much as me!

    And your so talented Winstons, to be honest I know no commands. But you are a smart boy! We are glad you are smarts, maybe some days you can teach me.

    Pug Hugs,

  6. Anonymous10:16

    Look at all those fun presents!!

    Gus likes to eat cat toys too lol
