Thursday, May 06, 2010

Feline Fridays - Party at Emmitt's

Hello everykitty, Tika heres.

Kizzy is off at the "kitty spa". It is super quiets without her. I miss her lots but Winston is keeping me busy.


Winston invited me to go with him to Emmitt's to join in the Partypalooza.

 We were only allowed to stay one night as Winston had to gets back for the Seattle Pug Gala this weekend.
But let me tell you all..... what a night it was!!!!!!

Here I am lounging on a pillow enjoying the party. I am a little shys so I hung out on my pillow most of the times.
Emmitt tooks this picture of me.

When I gots home from the party, I cuddled down with Mum. I did have fun at Emmitt's and I was tired.

Now are you ready?
Here is what happened to Winston!

He tooks Mum's corona from the fridge and grab his sombrero.

Around Midnights I managed to snap this picture!

A little too much drinks, a little too much partying and he was flat outs cold!

When he gots home, he took lots of this

And lay down with this, all day longs

The only thing Mum said was..... "Must have been some party!"

Tah Tah for nows


  1. Now that's the way to party down!

  2. Hi Tika! I had so much fun with you and Winston at Emmitt's party. I drank a few too many Coronas too and ending up with a terrible headache. I had to sleep it off before I could drive back home.

    Winston is going to have such a great time at the Seattle Pug Party tomorrow. So many of our friends are going to be there. Tell Winston to take lots of pictures.

    Stubby xoxo

  3. I guess you all had a pretty awesome Cinco de Mayo!


  4. Oh Winston and Tika!! We's had so much funs with you two at Emmitt's. You two really know hows to Par-ty!!
    We do want to say that we did miss meeting Kizzy and we are sure 'dats she is have fun at her spas and will return in tip tops shape!!
    Cute picture of Tika with Mommy!! And Winston...hee hee dude, you are outs cold!! Too much partying for a little puggie cans do 'dats!! You also may want to try to convince your Mum that alongs with the aspirins you need cookies!! Yeah, 'dats it! Cookies will do's the tricks too!
    Have a good weekend buddy!
    Anakin and Josie & Izzy

  5. Hehehe! Winston, I had some Corona yesterday too!

    Tika, I am so glad you came to Emmitt's! It was so fun!

    I am thinking about Kizzy. She'll be home in no time!!


  6. Anonymous11:49

    hahaha you go Winston!!

  7. Emmitt does throw the best parties!!!! It's always a good time!! Hope you have fun at the Seattle Pug Gala!!!



  8. Oh Tika, not to worry about Kizzy. The chief alien will have her home in no time.

    Winston my man! Way to party. Hanklin would be soooo proud of you!!

    Stella, Gunther and Betty

  9. I had such a good time with you at Emmitts party. I have been so busy that I am just now getting around to telling you how much I enjoyed dancing with you, and learning to be a bear ambassador.
    What a fun party it was.

  10. hi tika and winston!

    emmitt here! i am soooo glad you could come to the party!

    it was wonderful to have you there and mom said she was over the top happy because she got to give your mom and winston a hug at the seattle pug party!

    it made her whole day!

