Sunday, May 02, 2010


Hello everypuggy, Winston here.

Well today I wants to tell you something very exciting and important.

You may have visited Sequoia's (Whatevers) blog todays and read about her internet search. She was searching out info on her and Tuni's new home.

I am totally excited to tells you that this little lady pictured heres, my pug luv Tuni, is movings to Washington state.

I am so excited as this will be closer to me. Super close!
I have done a picture of a maps so you can sees just how close we will be!

See how close we will be!
Now cuz she is moving closer...... guess whats?


So this week I nagged Mum to gets my passport ready. I am gonna needs this to cross the border. (I learned my lesson already when I went to rescue Pearl!)

Here it is!

It isn't the best picture of me but the rules say that you can't smiles in the picture.
(If you thinks my picture is bad..... you should see Mum's. Mum says she thinks they must have used the criminal filter when they tooks her picture!)


 this weekend, Dickens and I went out and checked out some places that I would take Tuni to, when she comes to visit me.

I decided that The Barnet Marine Park is the quietest and most romantics.

Here are pictures from our search.

Dickens and I run the beach,
OK, well..... I digs and Dickens runs. I had to test the softness of the sands!

Looks at the view

I thinks this spot is great, we could spread outs the blanket and lounge

It has a nice beach and mountain view.

Yup, Dickens and I both likes this spot.

I dug a hole to see how good the sand was. Yup it is soft enough for Tuni to lounge on.
BOL looks at my butt!

Well that is all for nows.
I just can't waits til the end of summers!!!!


  1. It's so exciting that you and Tuni are finally going to be able to meet! We are sure she will love that beach - very romantic!

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Yoda & Brutus

  2. Hey Winston my Man!!! I's am so excited for yous! You looks so cool in your pass ports! Tuni(Whatever) is one Lucky Lady!!! I want to visit WA so I's can see Sequoia!! We can all doubles!!! The beach in your pictures is really pretty! We will have to go theres too! Oh...My Mommy gots her post card in the mails over the weekend from your Mommy!!! She was really happy!! That was very nice of your Mommy to send 'dats!!!! My Mommy is a scrap book nerd and she is going to scrap books its!!!! Very cools!!! Mommy loves mail!!!
    Guess where we are rights CO at Emmitts partypalooza! I'm Borrowing Emmitts lap top to bloggy yous!!!
    Have a good nite dude!

  3. Oh my gosh
    Is this pug love or what?
    Winston you are such a charmer and I see you picking the most romantic beaches of all. This is just going to make little Tuni's heart go pitty pat.
    I am so happy that you will finally be able to meet.
    Thank you for making us smile as always

  4. Anonymous03:03

    Hi Winston! We haven't got to visit you in a while but we're trying to catch up. BTW Momma busted out laughing at that picture of your butt! That's great that Tuni will be moving closer to you. We can't wait for pictures of the two of you meeting!!!

  5. Hi Winston!
    Wow, that is so pawesome!! I am so happy for you! Now, my mom got to mean Tuni one time, and they were at the beach! Tuni seemed to like it there, so I think you picked a good spot.

  6. Winston, this is SOOOO exciting! Your Tuni love will be sooo close to you!

    You scoped out some great spots to enjoy together! And you'll probably have to put up with Sequoia too! :)

  7. the passport is AWESOME!! What an international superstar pug!

  8. Winston!

    Oh you are so cute and smarts! I love you looks very dashing in it.

    The spots you picked out are great. Just bring a balnket...I like to keep my butts fur sand free (you know lady like and all).

    Mom wanted tp let you knows I will be even closer! Mom and Dad are goings to live in Burlington, close to the highway...hehe!

    Big Pug smooches!

  9. Hi Winston! I'm so excited that you and Tuni are going to finally meet. That map was helpful for me because now I see how close you're really going to be. You guys will probably see each other all the time - how fun!

    Tuni is going to love the beach. I can hardly wait to see the pictures of your first date!

    Stubby xoxo

  10. Sweet! That is great news. Looks like you are going to be a great welcome wagon host!

  11. Anonymous11:12

    Oh fun fun!! Haha i love that picture of your bum!

  12. Winston...
    You are one handsome dude just like myself. Congrats on being closer to your lady luv!
    -George Pooh
    PS: I like to digs too! We should hang out! :)

  13. Hi Winston!

    It's so exciting you and Tuni
    will be closer! I'm sure you
    will have fun together, and
    find lots of new things
    to do!

    I hope you are having a great

