Monday, December 26, 2011

Holiday Wrap Up!

Hi everypuggy,

Winston heres.

 Hope you all hads a good Christmas. Was Santa good to you?

My sisfurs Tika and Kizzy were super excited to gets their Daisy the Curly Cat 2012 calendar in the mail.

Mum ordered it from Daisy and it arrived just in time for Christmas!
Stop by Daisy's to order one too!

Tika and Kizzy check out their new 2012 Daisy Calendar
Tika and Kizzy also gots two new pink blankets to cozy in while they lounge in their beds. Mum still has to takes pictures of the blankets.

Ok now onto ME!

Check outs the gifts under our tree!

All that was for me!! I gots a lot this years.

Here is a picture of the aftermath...

Messy eh?
Yup, that mess was created by me.

I am now off to play with my new hedgehog from Dickens!

So, I leaves you with a short video of me and my new toys.

Winston Wilburs


  1. Merry Christmas! Looks like it was a good one.

  2. Wow, lots of good stuff! We love seeing Winston play with his hedge hog. I like to play around hu-moms legs, too.

    Happy New Year,
    Minnie and Mack

  3. Wow Winston you were spoiled by Santa Paws! Look at all those presents under the tree all for you! Your tree is very pretty! I love the photos of you with the mess of you opening all your wonderful gifts! I enjoyed the video too, I played with my toys all day and night! I hope that you had an amazing Christmas, it looks like you did! I wish you a healthy, prosperous and love filled new year 2012! Love, Licks and Big Pug Hugs from Frank x x x x x x x x x x

  4. Wow! You really scored Winston!

  5. Anonymous10:01

    Oh, Winston, what a great gift! Is it my imagination, or have you lost a bit of weight, my handsome friend? Happy Christmas!

  6. Tons of goodies!!! Glad you had a good Christmas!

  7. Winston Woons Merry Christmas! Your hedggie sounds like a duck hee hee. You seem to have found a good toy. Sequoia makes a mess just like you...but she tries to eat the paper she tears into though.
    Mom has a gift package for ya Winston it has been sitting on our table for weeks...lazy Mom hasn't mailed it yet she promises she will this week.

    Hugs Tuni Woons

  8. Winston! Wow! What a haul!

  9. Oh Winston, that mess looked almost as much fun to play in as all those toys! You had a fantastic Christmas!

  10. I'm glad you all had a happy holiday! Thank you ever so much for getting my calendar... you are the best!

  11. You look like you had a great time, nothing is better then puppy and kitty Christmas fun

  12. Oh Winston , you must have been a very goodboy!
    Looky all that Santa brought to you!

  13. It's a Chris-mess!!Our human papa's name is Chris, so mama calls any kind of mess "Chris-mess"


  14. Happy holidays!!!!! And a happy new 2012 to all of you!!!!
    Woof, woof,

