Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Ringing in 2012... Polar Pug style

Happy New Years everypuggy,

Winston heres to tell you how I rung in 2012!

Mum spent weeks organizing a new event for our pug group. It was called Polar Pugs.
She even mades this cool little logo thingy for its

Anyways us pugs and our peeps gathered on January 1st at our usual off leash meeting place. Mum broughts a table and served coffee and Tim Bits. Lots of pugs cames and we had such a blast.

It was such a success, with over 15 pugs, that this will probably be an annual events for us.

Checks out the time we hads!

Me with Sasha and Hamlet. Naturally I sat nears the peeps eating the Tim Bits!



Mika (she is totally talented and can do all kinds of tricks!!)

Dickens and I looking for snacks!

Wrestling times!

Dickens my BFF

Mika and me (yup the snacks were plentiful and delicious!)

Dickens, Mika and Me!

My newest pal, Otto

Milo, Otto's brother

Henri waiting and waiting for the ball to drops! BOL

Dickens playing tug o war

Dickens and Hamlet

I told yous is was totally funs!
I am really interested to hears how you spent your New Year's!



  1. Hey Winston!

    That looked like a fun Pug meet-up!
    We're glad you got to hang out with some of
    your pals. We hope 2012 is a great year for you!

    -Dana, Daisy & Bruce

  2. Oh My Pugness Winston! You had an amazing New Year with the Polar Pugs adventure! So many cuteies just like you! Besides you, Otto is deffo my fave, he is adorable! It looks like so much fun! I wish more pugs lived in my area so we could have a meet like that! I have a Jug (Jack Russel cross Pug) in my street called CoCo and she is a tiny little minx so maybe I should get together with her for some fun! Love, Licks and Pug Hugs Love Frank xxxxx

  3. Hi Winston! That looks like a blast, but I think I would have been cold. Brr! I can't wait to tell you about my new years but first I have to tell everyone about Xmas. If I can ever get my mom to help me blog!

  4. So many cute puggies-Dickens is adorable
    Thanks for your comment on our blog about Ping. I flipped when Tubs turned t he big 1-0 Its the reason I started the blog because I wanted to celebrate the time we had left. I feel better about it now. Aging is inevitable and I know I will always be surrounded by dogs, there is always going to be a Tubby in our house. Of course no one can replace Tubby, but I know I will love every dog I come to share my life with

  5. It looks like you all had a great time, I like that idea of plentiful snackies! You have some very pretty friends, Mom is a little in love with Otto's picture.

  6. Gosh, that does look super fun! You pugs have all the fun. Tim Bits...what is that? I'm sure if it is a foodable I would be all over it. Looks like you had lots of nice play time and wrestle pug-mania going on too.


  7. Yous guys sure looks like yous had a fabulous time!

  8. You always have the best time, Winston! How awesome that you got to meet some new friends. It looks like you had a great time celebrating the new year.


  9. Hi Winston
    Gosh,, it looked like so much fun to be around all those puggies! They are all so cute!
    It was the perfect way to start a New Year!
    I wish that I could have come!

  10. Winston, buddy.....that looks like a heckuva time I tell ya what! Me an' mom liked the pitchers o' yer friends.

    My NYE is on my blog if ya wanna check it out, bud.

  11. We love pug meet ups! Just not the polar part. We love Claire's sweater, too.

  12. Anonymous13:24

    Oh Dog! Look at all them puggies! Nice to meet everybody. Can I big dog join the fun?

  13. Winston woons that was a fun filled packed day of pugs! Us girls aka Emma and I celebrates News Years east coast time hee hee so at 9pm we went to bed. Sequoia stayed up with Dad to celebrate west coast time.

    Tuni Woons
