Friday, July 06, 2012

My Tuni Tribute Announcement

Hi everypuggy,

Winston heres

I want to tell you all abouts my idea for the Tuni Tribute.

  Here goes...   

On Tuesday July 17. 2012  I will doing my Tribute to Tuni.

Tuni was known for her many beds around the house. She luved her beds.

So for her tribute I am posting a picture of myself lounging in my bed.

If you want to pawticipates, It is really easy.

1) All you gotta do is post on your blog or facebook page a picture of you lounging in your bed.
(If you have a snazzy outfit you wanna pose in, put it on. Tuni had many many outfits that she always wore while lounging in her bed.)

2) Post your picture on Tuesday July 17. Include the title "Tuni Tuesday Tribute"
I have chosen Tuesday as this was not only the day of the week she crossed the bridge but, because I want to celebrate her memory of Tuesday Tuni Talk.

I knows her momma will be watching and reading all the tributes.

Will you help me?
Will you pose in your bed in memory of Tuni?

Spread the words and get lounging!

Winston Wilbur


  1. You can count me in Winston! Can't wait!

  2. This is a wonderful idea Winston!
    Yes I will participate too

  3. Yes, yes, yes!!! What a wonderful idea Winston! We have no problem laying around in bed dressed up! Count us in.

  4. We have some great old photos of all of us lounging in bed, pre-Weasley with our Dad. We all sleep in the big bed or on the couch. Dog beds are not are thing. So we will post a picture of us in our big bed.

    urban hounds

  5. I loves loves loves this idea Winston. Counts me in! Love Noodles

  6. Hi Winston,

    What a great idea. What about expanding on this idea & donating bed to a local Pug rescue in honor of Miss Tuni?

    Hugs, Suki

  7. What a grreat idea! We will post about this in The Chronicle!


  8. Hi Winston,
    This is a great idea, and I'm sure Tuni's momma will love it!

    I will be sure to pawticipate.

    Loves Oisín

  9. xoxoxo

    what a wonderful tribute winston!

  10. Wonderful idea, and nice to meet you...we are Buddhist veggie sorts too :)
