Sunday, July 01, 2012

Tuni in the sky on Canada Day

Hi everypuggy,

Winston heres.
Today is Canada Day. Happy Canada Day to our Canadian friends.

Although it is a day to celebrates I am still sad over the loss of my Tuni.
Here is this picture from last years where I looks over my shoulder to the Canada Flag.

Today that picture has new meanings.
I look over my shoulder beyond the flag to the sky where Tuni watches down on me.
(It was my friend Rita with her pug Molly. that suggested the new meaning.)

Anyways, can you see her, can you see Tuni? She is watching over me, smiling.

I have had troubles getting onto the blog lately as I have been so sads.
Time will slowly heals this sadness.
To help make me feel betters I want to do a tribute to Tuni.
Will you help me?

In a few days I will post my idea and the details, in hopes that all my friends will pawticipate in honouring Tuni.

In the meantime I send luv and hugs to Tuni's momma and her family.

Petunia (Tuni-woons)
June 26, 2012
Until our paws and heart join agains,

Luv always,


  1. Tuni was a very special pug and we were also blessed to know her in the fur. You can count on us to participate in the tribute.

  2. Hi Winstons!
    Wesa keep forgetting that Tuni is no longer on this earth with us. She always seems to be around in our hearts...and wesa can say that only about a very few honorable number of peeps. Wesa hope your heart heals in time and know that wesa love you too (especially your brother from another mother, your twin, George Pooh).
    Much Luvums,
    The Slimmer Puggums
    George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi

  3. We would love to help do a tribute to Tuni. She was such an amazing puggers, we loved reading about her.

    We are so sorry you are feeling sad Winston but glad you know your Tuni is watching out for you.

    Stop by our blog to enter Norbert's 10th birthday give away by the way. The prize is a 25 dollar gift certificate to Polka Dog Bakery and mom set up a rafflecopter to help do the prize for us.

    Happy Canada Day

    urban hounds

  4. Sweetest Winston
    I do see Tuni in the sky! Yes, she is watching over you- and she always will.
    When your heart heals enough for you to speak your words... I will gladly participate.
    Tuni was all our friends,,, and we all sit together to help each other- you and others, and he familys.
    Thank you for taking the time to say a few words and to show us Tuni in the sky.

  5. Ahh, Winston that was lovely.

  6. Hi Winstons......I'm looking forward to learning about your plan to honor our dear Tuni. She is so loved and missed.

    Hugs -


  7. We would be happy to help. Tuni was such a sweet pug. I bet she and Lucky would have been good friends.


  8. Winston we thank you for your sweet tribute idea for Tuni and we absolutely love the photo of Tuni looking down on you :)

    Many Hugs
    Jenn & The Girls

  9. What a beautiful tribute to your sweet, precious Tuni xoox

  10. Anonymous06:43

    Oh, no, not Tuni, too. What a year. We'll go on over to her mama's blog right away.

    Pug hugs and kisses, Winston,

    Lola Pug

  11. Dear Winston,
    I think that picture of you looking to the sky is just perfect. You can count on me to join in whatever you have planned for precious Tuni.

  12. Oh Winston, what a lovely post about Tuni. I love the picture of her watching over you. I know that she absolutely is!
    P.S. I really love your header - great picture of you!
