Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Birthday to me!

Hi everypuggy,

Winston heres.

Many of my furiends know that I hads my birthday on Saturdays.

On my facebooks page I had so many birthday wishes.

Mum tried to reply to them alls but couldn't keeps up.

She lost count at 57!

Thank you everypuggy for the birthday wishes.

I celebrated hard on the weekend.

Started with pug meet. It was a very goods turn out even though it was foggys.

Everyone saids they came out just to see me on my big day!

I am hiding at the back of the group but looks... there is Sam Coop on the far right!
Here is a shorts video from the meetups. Sam is in its.

On Sunday we wents to our dog beach near the big bridge.

It was Sam's first times here.

here is a pic of the Lions Gate bridge. it was still foggy on sunday!

here I am posing for the camera

Sam poses for the camera
 Sam and I hung outs and did some sniffings and socializing with the other dogs.

Sam and me checking peemail
Sam did stir up troubles with a big black dog!
Sam gots into trouble from Mum for this.
Sam in mid barks!
Later when I gots home I opened my gifts.
I gots lots of treats.

Mum says "as usual Winston, you were totally spoiled"

So as the sun sets on this weekend's birthday festivities,

I stops to reflects on just how many good furiends I have mades in my 11 years

I sit and contemplate


I just want to thanks you for being my furiend

Winston Wilbur


  1. Oh no we missed it!!! Happy happy belated birthday to you

    urban hounds

  2. Happy birthday my twinners!! I be 7 and you be 11...but what is 4 years between twins!! I'm so glad you had a fantastic birthday. Today is my sister Lily's birthday and I look forward to birthdays because of all the fun and food we gets!!
    Your twin and furiend,
    George Pooh

  3. What a wonderful celebration for a wonder Winston!

    Scarlet & Meredith

  4. Oh Winston Wilbur happy belated birthday to you!! We loved your pictures ..
    stella rose

  5. We love you Winston! I'm so glad you have a pugtacular birthday weekend!

  6. Winston, we hope you have an awesome 11th year! It looks like you had a wonderful celebration with adventure and treats! Here's to many more healthy and happy years!

  7. OH Happy Birthday again Winston! Your birthday party weekend adventures sure looked fun. And the fog, its sure has been foggy here is Seattle! We gave you an award, check out our blog.

    Pug Love, Otis & Black Otis

  8. Thank you for being a part of my life! And I want to wish you a Happy Birthday too.
    Thank you for sharing all the beautious photos

  9. Hi Winston and Sam!
    Bruce, Daisy and I hope you had a super sexy Birthday!
    It looks like you and Sam had a great time at the meet-up!

    We hope you have a great week!

    -Dana, Daisy & Bruce

  10. We hope you had the best birthday ever!

    Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

  11. Anonymous20:48

    Happy Birthday! Wishing you more birthdays to come and have a good health! We love You!
    Pet Supplies
