Friday, February 15, 2013

French Polynesia... Tahiti! Mum's trip

Hi everypuggy,

Winston heres.

Most of you knows that Mum went on a trip. She was gones for what seemed forevers!

She has lots of photos from her trip so I thoughts I would post them in segments.

This first segment today, is from the start of the trip.

 This is Papeete, Tahiti. The capital of Tahiti.

Mum spent a number of days there.

The weather was sunny and overcast.

It tooks 3 hours to fly from Vancouver to LA, then it tooks 8.5 hours to fly from LA to Tahiti.

Almost to Tahiti! 
Just landed!

The main airport from the hotel room across the street
corrugated tin roof homes!

Street named after famous artist!

Mynah Birds... these guys are everywhere!

Park near the docks
Tikis at the park 

Royal Prince flower. Grows all over the place.

Outrigger on the beach at Venus Point.

Lots of rain leads to rockslides!

Lighthouse at Venus Point

Tree roots!


Tropical forest trail

Flowers in the forest.

Looking out from the famous "Blow Hole"

The "blow hole"

More beach from the "blow hole" area

Tropical pine tree at the beach 

View from a lookout point

Breadfruit... a staple food for the locals
The cruise ship!

Leaving the port of Tahiti

The Island of Moorea near Tahiti

Fish traps! A very old fishing technique still used today.

That is it for nows...
Stay tuned for the next segment, the island of Huahine!


  1. Wow, it's beautiful there!

  2. Hi Winston!

    Your mom's photos are great.
    We especially love the photo of the waterfall.
    We can't wait to see the rest of the photos!

    Hope you are having a great week!

    -Dana, Daisy & Bruce

  3. The water shots have me dazed. So beautiful and I have a feeling the best is yet to come.

  4. More more! I need a passport!

  5. Wowzers! What a great trip! Mes would LOVES to be there right now! We still has a ton of snow here

  6. Winston, I am so happy your mom got to go on this magical trip to see wonders in our beautiful world. The memorys will live with her forever. The photos are just gorgeous.
