Hi Everypuggy, oh and everykitty!
Well we have been very busy in the gardens. Mum has been going super crazy with the camera and she has lots of pictures of us and the flowers.
Let us starts with Kizzy and the catnip. Mum had to separates the catnips from the rest of the herb garden on account Kizzy crushed and killed the sweet basil and garlic and almost killed the valerian. The girls now have their own special section where they can roll to their hearts content and crush and kill their own catnip plants without killing any other herbs. Mum has fenced it off nicely as you will sees from the pictures below of Kizzy and Tika enjoying the new catnips garden.
Mum hads this cool fake rock thingy in the house and thought it would be perfects for their catnip gardens. The girls luved it!
Next are the pictures Mum tooks of the flowers in the garden. Mum just gots a new flashy flashy camera and she went crazy trying it outs. She specially commented on how she liked the close ups feature on the camera.
Can you sees the wasp on the water plants? Takes a close looks!
Mum gots another rose bush. Now we have a deep red one and this yellow one. Mum luvs roses. She says she wants to get a purple one next.
While Mum was taking all the pictures I gots a little bored
I started to nods off....
I just couldn't keeps my eyes open or my head ups....
Finally I decided I needed to stretch outs and have a nap, this picture stuff was going to takes a long boring times!
I perked ups when Mum decided to have a garden photo shoots with us.
Tika went first....
Then Kizzy had her photo shoot....
Mum says Tika is a bit shy, Kizzy is a natural and I am just plain handsome.....
It was such a funs day in the garden.
Later that night Mum got wind of this event taking place in Septembers
It is the Seattle Pug Rescue Pug - n - Brew. Guess whats? We are goings to it.
Ok then I gots excited cuz that means I am going down to America again, and guess who lives south of me in America!
{Mum, we gotta let Tuni knows I am coming her ways. I hopes to possibly meets her! Ok Ok I know it is a ways off yets. Okay we will talks about it laters.}
Anywho....... hope you liked the pictures today. Pug you later.