
Who is Smiling Pug?

My photo
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
"I am a happy pug therefore.... I am a smiling pug"! My mum is called Smilingpug... after me! Because of her love of animals and nature, she is a Buddhist and a vegetarian (thank god). She is most inspired by the Dalai Lama. We live on the West Coast of Canada and I share my home with my two older feline sisters Tika and Kizzy and my NEW little brother Sam Cooper who... is all the way from MidSouth Pug Rescue in Tennessee!! I am 11 and I don't walk to well anymore, but that doesn't mean I don't get around! Welcome to my blog.

Follows Me on Facebook!

Feeling nosey? Sniff my Butt.

We support Midsouth Pug Rescue. Don't Shop, Adopt!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A happy Farewell

Winston heres.

Mum and I logged into the blog to checks on our friends a "wham" we read the news. My dear friend Emmitt passed. I am saddened by this news as I hates loosing friends.

I met his momma last years when Mum and I wents to the Seattle Pug Gala. She was the first blogger we have met in person. Unfortunately Emmitt was not theres so I never gots the chance to see him in pugson.

Mum and Melissa talked about us pugs and our ages. Mum remembers someting that Melissa told hers. I thinks it went basically sometings like this..... Enjoy the time together even when your pug gets older cuz it is not a sad time this age business, Emmitt isn't sad that he is 13 and approaching the end of time on earths. You sees he was super happy cuz he had a wonderful life and like all beings that rainbow does come. He was luved right to the ends.

So Melissa wants us to remember Emmitt in a happy ways. A happy farewell until we see him agains. Oh boy.... I thinks we should consider ourselves super lucky we have two very wise angels keeping us company, watching down on us.... Stubby and Emmitt.

 (mum's favourite picture evers, of M&E)

I was super fortunate to have two very very wise friends. I will miss them boths but I knows they are with me all the times in spirit.

I wants to say that Sweater Day really honoured them boths. Over 2/3 of pawticipants showed their Stubby Luv with posing in a Melissa and Emmitt sweater!

Winston Wilbur

Monday, February 21, 2011

And our Winner is........

Hi everypuggy,

I am heres to announce to you the Winner of the grand prize.
(Click heres, this will takes you to the post that listed all the items in this prize.)

Mum gots everypuggys name on a paper and cut thems out.

She puts them into a paper bag.
{note: I usually tape a treat to each name and have Winton draw the name
but we were outta stock on treats in the house}

She closed her eyes and put her hand ins and picked a name.

Here is the name
Sorry, it is a little blurrys.

Here is the winner,
this is Pearl.

Congratulations Pearl.
Ok nows,
everypuggy else that entered....
This is what we is sending yous as a small token for pawticipation.

A small milk chocolate star
A milk chocolate sun
(The sun and star are to remind us of our precious earth)
A chocolate "love" novelty
(to represent our loves for earth)
A milk chocolate Top Dawg novelty
(to honour our friend Stubby who really was a Top Dog!)
A pretty cool magnet that recognizes you as pawticipating
(Chocolates are belgium milk from our local chocolate shop near my house)
You can clicks on the picture to biggify if needed.

 What Mum is gonna do is go thru her list of addresses.
For the one's she is missing we will
contact yous through your blog to have you send it to us.

Please tune into our blog next month
for our continuing, Green Stubby Reports
Next months topic is Store Bought Water.


Tune in next month for our next monthly
"Discover Canada Eh!" contest give aways.
The clue for that contest is.....
Canadian Cities

Both are coming in March!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sweater Contest Pawticipants - PLEASE CHECK THIS LIST

Hi everyone,

Well we managed to complete visiting everyones blog and comment on their sweater post. It was a lot of fun!

Here is a list of all the peeps who pawticipated. Before we put everyone's name into the hat for the draw I wanted to post this first to make sure I have got everyone that pawticipated. If you notice I have forgotten to list someone here PLEASE, PLEASE email me ( or comment me and let me know. I am pretty sure I got them all but just in case....

We will do the draw Saturday, Feb. 19 at 8pm PST.
We will post the winner's name on Sunday evening (after our pug meet up)

Tuni & Sequoia
Klaus & Natty
Spongy & Licky
Mack & Minnie
Wima, Brigette, & Sluggo
Chloe, Rosie, Kiki, Marty, Zoey
Clover & Chewie
Ellie, Brutus & Yoda
Petunia, Tallulah & Isabelle
Pugpant Chronicles

For those that don't win the grand prize... I have many of your addresses already from the Valentine exchange but for those I don't, I will contact you on Sunday to get your mailing address for mailing out your pawticipation gift.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sweater Day Success!

We just wants to thank everyone for posting and pawticipating in sweater day.
We have visited and commented on most blogs but did not manage to get to everyone today.
A very unexpected busy day has ended late today.
We have noted the ones we did not comment on and will visit them tomorrow.
I will then compile all the names and put them into the draw.

I know Stubby is grinning from ear to ear up above.

WInston's Mum


Hello everypuggy,
 Today is the day.
February 17th has arrived! 

(So mum is just heading to works, she will checks everyone's posts tonight after works.)

Please feel free to copy this logo into your blog to help spread the word!

Today I am honouring my dear friend Stubby's memory. I am also turning down my thermostat by 3º to help the planet.

Mum...... turn down that thermostat and where is my sweater???

Oh here we go.... tah dah!

hmmmm I wonder if I should maybe wear my snuggie insteads?

There that way I honour Stubby and I wear the snuggie Tuni gaves me
But waits....
if I wear my sweater... that is the sweater Melissa and Emmitt sent mes....

Oh I can't decides!

you and your momma inspired us so much with your various posts on your blog abouts the environment and ideas to help us keep it green.
We enjoyed reading your posts and mum
always found your topics interesting.
I sure do miss you, my friend.
You are always in my heart and memory
even though you are no longer here on earths.
I hopes you are looking downs and smiling
at us all in our sweaters today!

This one is for you Stubby.

I have uploaded some interesting trivia from the WWF website

Keep it Green folks!
Winston Wilbur

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My... I mean.... OUR wonderful Valentines

Winston heres. Just a quick reminders of our Green Stubby Contest. Click here for more details on entering Tomorrow's big event.

OK NOW......
We had soooo much funs organizing and pawticipating in the card exchange.
Look at all the cards we gots.

there is still a few mores too come to us but look at the love so far.
We just want to say how much we love our friends.
Mum gets teary eyed looking at the cards cuz it displays all our long distance friends we have
and how we would never have known you if it weren't for us pugs.

My special sweetie's card arrived right on Valentine's day! How cool was that's.

But first we haves to let Kizzy brags about her luv! WHATEVER!

Hi everykitty,
It's me here to tell you all about MY VALENTINE CARD!

Yup I got one too!

I was quietly minding my own business playing with my catnip when Mum called me...

What Mum what is it? Oh something for me.... coming

Sylvester sent me a Valentine email!!!
Looks at it...
Is he not handsome or what!!!!!!
I am so in luv.
Thank you Sylvester.
I sent one to him and his momma posted it on the fridge for him to looks at all day long.
Sigh.... Did I mention that I am so in Luv!

Okay Kizzy move over back to me, now!......
Shesh CATS!!!!

ok where was I's

Everyday I would waits by the mailbox for the postman to arrives

On Valentine's Day Mum checked the mail...

She said "look Winston something for you"
See its.... the red envelope?

Mum sorted it outs...
Ikea flyer, NOPE NOT FOR ME!


OMP there it is!   OMP it's from Tuni!!!!

I got to opening it rights away

I pawsed when I saw the backs of the envelope

Ah looks "W + T",
sigh.... I am so in luvs

I randed upstairs with the card in my mouth.
I needed some privacy to reads it

I can't tell yous what she wrotes, it is for my eyes only, privates 
But yous is looking at one pug in true luv!

A Tuni Poem

You toot, I toot,
But it don't matter to me,
With my pug eye it's you I luv to see

Your cute little tail,
Your cute little face,
You make my luv sail,
You make my heart race

You and me together
You and me forevers
My dear sweet Tuni-woons
 I will always be your Winston-woons

Tuni, you had me at woof! BOL

PEE S - Thanks Sequoia, for the card too! Whatever.
(ok happy Mum?... I said it!)

Kisses and Hugs
Winston & Kizzy

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Announcing....... "Sweater Day, The Green Stubby Way" Contest

Finally..... the contest we have all been waiting fors.
February 17th, 2011

We have been spending lots of times preparing for this event.

With the passing of our beloved friend Stubby we thought long and hard as to whether we should carry on the Green Stubby Reports. The feed back from friends was that YES it should continue.
Most importantly Stubby's Momma said yes.

We have decided to celebrate the life of Stubby and our planet by holding this contest.

All those who knew Stubby can help celebrate by pawticipating in this event.
For those who did not know him he would have been thrilled to have you pawticipate.
You can stop by Stubby's blog to experience the "life of Stubby".

Spread the word!
Show Stubby how much this planet means to you.
Let him know that he may be gone in body but
not forgotten in spirit.

Get your sweaters out!!!!

Ok here are the details.
Contest is open to all bloggers.
You can be a cat, dog, hamster, bird, horse, human....
you get the idea!
(You just have to be able to wear a sweater.)

The "Who"
 The Canadian World Wildlife Fund is holding a National Sweater Day on Feb. 17
Click Here to see more details

We have decided to promote and pawticipate in this event.
We are changing this event from National to International!

We will have one Grand Prize to draw for BUT......
all other pawticipants will receive a small gift.

The "Why"
Two reasons for this event.
• We honour and celebrate the life of our friend Stubby
• To help our planet stay cool and be greener.
• To show everyone that we support a healthy planet
By turning down your thermostat for one day, you help contribute to reducing greenhouse emissions.

The "When"
This happens on February 17th, 2011
It is an all day event!

The "What" 
What yous needs to do......
1) On February 17th, turn down your thermostat by 3º

 2) Gets out your sweater and put its on

 3) Have someone takes pictures of you in your sweater

4) Do a post on your blog about  you in your sweater. You must mention that you are pawticipating in "sweater day" 

5) Stop by my blog to either comment to me or email me that you have posted and want to enter the contest.

6) we will stop by your blog to check out your entry

8) On February 18th all entries will be put in a hat and a name drawn for the grand prize. As mentioned above, all other entrants will receive a small prize.    

**we will contact you after the contest to obtain your mailing address.**

ok now onto the grand prize!!!!
Here is a pictures of the grand prize.
The name drawn will receive all this!!
okays so let's gets a closer looks at each item in the prize 
 1lb of medium roast FREE TRADE ORGANIC coffee.
Roasted in Canada by a Local Canadian Company

A package of biodegradable dog poop waste bags
{Mum wants me to points out heres that you can use them for
anything not just poop. Mum uses them for when scooping the litter box.}
Produced and sold by a Local Canadian Company

A package of mesh reusable vegetable bags. Contains 3 small and one large bags.
You may remember we did a Green Stubby Report a while backs on mesh veggie bags
Produced in Canada by a Local Canadian Company
 Scentuals Body Products
Olive Oil Natural body and hand lotion,
Oats and Honey natural soap
Peppermint Natural lip balm
These products are 100% natural and made with mostly organic ingredients.
Made in Canada by a Local Canadian Company

Milk chocolate letters that spell "Stubby"
Made by a Local Canadian Company
Last but not least...
a reusable shopping bag
with a cutes picture of a dog on its
 here it is spread outs

It easily folds ups to this when not in use
this product is produced by an American Company

So you can see a theme heres, rights....
all are either reusable, environmentally friendly, free trade, or organic.
All, except one, are sold by a locally owned Canadian Company.
This grand prize is worth over $65 Cdn.

**All other pawticipants will get a small surprise gift just for pawticipating!**

Let's all pay tribute to our earth and
the memory of Stubby!
If anyone has any questions please email or comment us.
We will do a follow up post a few days before the event.
Winston Wilbur
Tika Daisy
Kizzy Willow

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Cat Chat...... Kitty Line Ups!

Today it's us girls, Tika and Kizzy!
Today's discussion is "Line Ups'.
All girls know what it is like to "line up".
Everyone knows the huge long line outside the Ladies Bathrooms at public locations.

Well us kitties also have to tolerate line ups!

Always a "line up" to enjoy the catnip mat

Hurry up Kizzy!

You done yet Tika?

Always a "line up" to get a drink from the Princess bowl

Look out Tika, my turn!

You done yet, I am thirsty! Hurry up Kizzy!

Until the next Cat Chat...

Kizzy & Tika 

Our February contest give away details is going to be posted the end of this week!

Keep watching our blog and get your sweaters ready!

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Busy Boy in Burnaby Heights!

Hi, Winston heres.

First off,  we still have lots of Chinese New Year post cards to give aways. Let us knows if you want one and we will send it to you!
email or comment us!

Now yesterday I was busy busy busy!!

I mailed outs my valentine cards!

Here they all ares. 

Ok Mum ready to goes. Gots my cards in my bag. Let's go!

We went to Hastings Street in Burnaby to mail the cards and take in the Lion Dance plus run some errands

First stop on Hastings Street is the bakery.

MMMMM luv this place, I get treats from the staff and Mum bought me some liver snacks.

Next we head down the street to wait for the Lion Dancers

Oh here they comes!

We watched them bless one of the Chinese Restaurants.
I was not scared at all!

There was two lions and a drummer and people with flags and people handing outs fortune cookies!

Stores hung lettuce outsides for the celebrations

Here they are agains!

After we stopped to rest our legs and have some
fortune cookie and water!

This is Mum's favourite coffee shop on Hastings St.

MMMM goods fortune cookie, but Mum we should gets to a post box and mail these cards!

Of we go to find a post box.
On the way we stopped to take pics of some popular landmarks

The swinging girl..... the city just spent money fixings this sign up.
It represents the area which is called Burnaby Heights

These banners are all alongs the street. Locally designed
and represent the community.
(click to bigify)

ok Mum went a little nuts when she saw this NEW huge billboard

MMMMM Purdy's Chocolates! Canadian owned and operated
right heres in Vancouver!
(Mum's favourite is EVERYTHING!)

We finally found the post box!
We then got in the car and headed to my favourite walking trail Deer Lake.
It was such a nice afternoon for a walk.

As you can imagine I am tired todays! I am just gonna kicks back and watch the Puppy Bowl.
If you hop on over to Southern Fried Pugs they have all the
details for the Puppy Bowl.

Winston Wilburs

Now over to Kizzy for a quick words.....

Hi all, Kizzy here,
Well the fat guy wasn't the only one to send
out Luv Cards this February.

I also sent out one!!

A special somecat is gonna get a little something from Moi!

Isn't he dreamy! This is Sylvester!


Winston aka fat boy isn't the only one that is in LUV around here!
Look out Winston and Tuni, you gots competition from me and Sylvester!

later everyone!


Count down until our Mum's Birthday!

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Cat tickers

Count down to Winston's Birthday

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Count down to Kizzy & Tika's Birthday

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Cat tickers