
Who is Smiling Pug?

My photo
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
"I am a happy pug therefore.... I am a smiling pug"! My mum is called Smilingpug... after me! Because of her love of animals and nature, she is a Buddhist and a vegetarian (thank god). She is most inspired by the Dalai Lama. We live on the West Coast of Canada and I share my home with my two older feline sisters Tika and Kizzy and my NEW little brother Sam Cooper who... is all the way from MidSouth Pug Rescue in Tennessee!! I am 11 and I don't walk to well anymore, but that doesn't mean I don't get around! Welcome to my blog.

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Go Team Canada GO!

Hi every puggy,

There is lots of excitement around heres. Tomorrow is the big day. Team Canada playing for Golds. Naturally, because I am Canadian I am a hockey fan (Mum is not!). So to show my supports for tomorrow I have joined the hockey team!

Here is my Official Stats Card

Here is me practicing for the big game

Ok, Ok I knows I am a pug and I can't skates. But seriously I am getting readys for the big game.

I did get busted earlier today, sniffing around my food cupboard.
I told Mum that I was checking my snack supply for tomorrows game but she did not buy it!

Caught Red pawed!!

Mum just told me that our team is playing Team USA. That means my luvs Tuni will be cheering for the other team! Come to thinks of it..... so will most of my blogging pug pals! Oh boy, what a game this will be!


  1. Hi Winston, I will most likely be cheering for the USA, because, well, I'm a USAonian. But, my Blackhawks have three players on the Canadian team, so I'll be cheering for them, too. And my friends will raz me again about singing the Canadian national anthem.

  2. Hey Winston

    You looks good in a hockey uniform. I can't skate eithers, heck I can barely walks properly hehe.

    But I thinks its no problem checking the food supply for the big games.

    I gots your post card the other days. I loves it! Mom is putting on the fridge, at my eye levels though since its for me! My grandma got hers too and says thanks!
    Pug Hugs,

  3. Way to go Canada! We watched the game. It was very exciting.


    PS. How did you get your mom to keep your treats at your level? My mom keeps mine way up high where I can't reach them.

  4. Anonymous10:22

    And what a game it was!!! :D

  5. I saw you play on your team!
    YOU WON!
    Where is your awsome award?

  6. hi winston!
    congratulations on the gold!
    what an exciting game!
    we love your photos!
    m & e


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