First off..... Mum woke us up in the morning and announced today was outdoor light day!
Mum says I am the hardest, out of us 3, to get out of the bed in the morning.

Kizzy waking up
Tika being woken up
Official" light tester" and "bulb checker", Kizzy and Tika

Ah the laundry basket makes a great office for the manager of the light testing

The office is shared with the manager of the bulb checker

Mum erects the ladder, the fact that it was raining didn't deter her from putting up the lights

The things on the front porch had to be moved around to accommodate the holiday decorations. Mum moved my cement stepping stone from the doorway to the area near the entrance of our "wally gates". I was ok with this as Mum explained it will be the first thing people see when they come to the door. (2003! I wuz just a pups then, only 1 1/2 yrs old)

Our signature "2 Cats and a Dog" lawn stakes were moved closer into the porch to stay drier during winter.

The porch entrance way (were my stepping stone used to be). Mum also had to take down the summer hammock swing chair she gots in Mexico.

Kizzy comes to inspect the arrangement of decorations and gives it a 2 paws up

Here is a picture at nights. There is my stepping stone in front of the gates and to the right.
Wow, our little tree (left) is very brights.
A picture of the front door at nights.
And the last picture is the house from the streets. Mum tooks a blurry picture so it isn't very good.
Later in the afternoon my pal Dickens came for a bit of a visit. We wents for walkies in the graveyard near our house. It was kind of warms out and NOT raining! I hads a busy weekend!