Hello Everykitty,
TIka heres. Well we have hads a crazy weeks. We both wents to the VET in Mondays. I gots my teeth cleaned! I gots my blood checked and yearly exam and I scored a perfect A for a perfect princess.
When I gots home I was a little groggy so I settled downs with the remote and channel surfed just like Dad does.
The not so good news is my sister Kizzy. She isn't well right nows. She gots her blood checked and she has very high thyroid levels, she has Hyperthyroid disease. Mum thoughts something wasn't right cuz she says that some of Kizzy's habits have changed slightly. Mums been stressing all weeks.
After lots of phone calls Mum says, now Kizzy has to goes to a "kitty spa" for 6 days to gets special treatments.
Dr Karen (our cat vet) told us not to worrys that Kizzy will be just fine after her treatment.
Kizzy will be going to Northwest Nuclear Medicine.
After her treatment she will no longer have the high thyroid and will be fine for the rest of her life.
I wanted to go with Kizzy to the "spa" but Mum says no, only Kizzy can goes. Mum says it is expensive.

I talked to Winston abouts this. I am super worried. I have never been apart from Kizzy for my whole life and now she will be gones for 6 days!!! She leaves on this Wednesday! What am I goings to do?

WInston told me nots to worry. That he will be heres and Kizzy will be backs in no time.
I can't believe I am saying this buts...... sometimes Winstons can be a great pug brother.
Anywho, Kizzy is lounging right nows so I thinks I will go and joins her.
I will keep you posted on the week to come.
I just have to gets Mum to stop stressing! otherwise she will starts to loose her hair soon!