
Who is Smiling Pug?

My photo
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
"I am a happy pug therefore.... I am a smiling pug"! My mum is called Smilingpug... after me! Because of her love of animals and nature, she is a Buddhist and a vegetarian (thank god). She is most inspired by the Dalai Lama. We live on the West Coast of Canada and I share my home with my two older feline sisters Tika and Kizzy and my NEW little brother Sam Cooper who... is all the way from MidSouth Pug Rescue in Tennessee!! I am 11 and I don't walk to well anymore, but that doesn't mean I don't get around! Welcome to my blog.

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Felines in the garden..... with a pug

Hi Everypuggy, oh and everykitty!

Well we have been very busy in the gardens. Mum has been going super crazy with the camera and she has lots of pictures of us and the flowers.

Let us starts with Kizzy and the catnip. Mum had to separates the catnips from the rest of the herb garden on account Kizzy crushed and killed the sweet basil and garlic and almost killed the valerian. The girls now have their own special section where they can roll to their hearts content and crush and kill their own catnip plants without killing any other herbs. Mum has fenced it off nicely as you will sees from the pictures below of Kizzy and Tika enjoying the new catnips garden.

Mum hads this cool fake rock thingy in the house and thought it would be perfects for their catnip gardens. The girls luved it!

Next are the pictures Mum tooks of the flowers in the garden. Mum just gots a new flashy flashy camera and she went crazy trying it outs. She specially commented on how she liked the close ups feature on the camera.

Can you sees the wasp on the water plants? Takes a close looks!

Mum gots another rose bush. Now we have a deep red one and this yellow one. Mum luvs roses. She says she wants to get a purple one next.

While Mum was taking all the pictures I gots a little bored

I started to nods off....

I just couldn't keeps my eyes open or my head ups....

Finally I decided I needed to stretch outs and have a nap, this picture stuff was going to takes a long boring times!

I perked ups when Mum decided to have a garden photo shoots with us.

Tika went first....

Then Kizzy had her photo shoot....

Mum says Tika is a bit shy, Kizzy is a natural and I am just plain handsome.....

It was such a funs day in the garden.

Later that night Mum got wind of this event taking place in Septembers

It is the Seattle Pug Rescue Pug - n - Brew. Guess whats? We are goings to it.

Ok then I gots excited cuz that means I am going down to America again, and guess who lives south of me in America!

{Mum, we gotta let Tuni knows I am coming her ways. I hopes to possibly meets her! Ok Ok I know it is a ways off yets. Okay we will talks about it laters.}

Anywho....... hope you liked the pictures today. Pug you later.



  1. I just luved it Winston...The photos and ur comments That's my pug nephew luvs u lots puggy boi

  2. What beautiful pictures of the garden - mom wishes hers looked that good. Great pictures of Kizzy, Tika and you too Winston :)

    We love the Pug-n-Brew - we wished we lived closer and we would go to that too!!!

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Yoda & Brutus

  3. Hi Winston,
    My Mom says she wants to come spend a day in your garden. She said it looks like a wonderfulplace to hang,and I agree.
    Coming to America and meeting Petunia and Sequoia, that is a MUST!

  4. Oh my goodness, Winston! Your momma has a serious green thumb! AND she is a great photographer!!!!!

    You 3 are the best models ever. You could be famous.

  5. Your momma is right Winston, you are quite handsome!! Your momma sure has lots of pretty flowers in her garden!! I'm sure Tuni will be very excited about meeting you in September!!!



  6. Hey Girls! Sequoia here. I luvs your pictures and the garden...oh waits...

    WINSTON! OMD OMD!! I had mom write downs the Pug N Beer thingy yesterdays on the calenders!!!!!!! We can meet in pugson. I am so happy to finally get some pictures done with yous. Yeah! I am so happy.


    Ok enoughs...Sequoia here again. I wanted to say thanks for the well wishes too!

  7. Hi Winston! Your garden is so beautiful! Do you think you could come here and help out with ours? Parts of it are okay but other parts are icky. I promise to get some Popeyes if you come.

    You totally have to go to the Pug-n-Brew. I sure wish I could go to Seattle for it so that I could meet you guys but I don't think I can. Mom would miss me and would notice her car missing!

    Stubby xoxo

  8. Anonymous16:54

    Wonderful photos! Your Mom's new flashy camera is a good one. And we're glad Tika and Kizzy have their own spot to roll and get a little crazy.....a girl needs that.

  9. hi winston and kitties!
    oh my gosh!
    your mom's garden is just magical!
    happy happy wednesday!
    m & e

  10. Winston
    Your moms new camera takes some fantastic photos.
    Those close ups are awsome,
    Those KIT KATS are lucky to have their own garden so they can play in their own cat nip and not smash any other plants! We love their special little garden. I know my brother and sister cats would love their own garden,.
    Wow Winston- a trip to Seattle to see Tuni- well get to packin!


Count down until our Mum's Birthday!

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Cat tickers

Count down to Winston's Birthday

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Count down to Kizzy & Tika's Birthday

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Cat tickers