Hi Everypuggy! Winston heres. Well here are the pictures from my date with Tuni. Let me start by saying that she is even cuter and hotter in pugson!!!! We hit it offs right away and we both like each others.
Yesterday morning Mum gots me up and packed up my things and we gots in the car. I look a little nervous here. I was so nervous. But everypuggy was right...... there was nothing to be nervous abouts!
We then drove to grandma's house to get her. She came with us. We drove down to the borders and crossed over in no time at alls. Then we were on our way to the park.
When I gots there, Tuni was already there with Sequoia and her pawrents. I saw Tuni in the play area and my heart skipped double times. I went right in and introduced myself. Here is one of the first pictures of us togethers. Doesn't she look great in her pink outfit. I even gots her a pink rose bouquet to give her!
I was thirsty from the drive so I stopped to gets some water. Tuni showed me her strawberry bowl which was near all the other bowls. We shared a drink from her dish. She has a very nice travel dish.
She noticed my chuck-it ball and checked it outs. She then asked me to show her how I play chuck-its so I asked Mum to throws it so I could show her.
Here I am running back with my chuck-it ball. You may needs to bigify its to see me betters.
I found another ball like mine and we chatted about the chuck-it technique I use. I let her try my orange ball but she just wanted to examine its, she told me she would rather watch me play.
She gots really concerned abouts my paw. I have had this sore that I have been seeing the vet about. Nothing too serious but Tuni was concerned none the less. She was so sweet.
We then mingled with the other pugs. Tuni had met some of them before so she introduced me.
Hey Anakin..... take a look who it is!!! Who is that on their hind legs!!!!!! Yup that is your girl Sequoia!
She is kind of nice, I can see why you likes her.
Sequoia is such a lap pug! Here she is with my grandma!
Then she cuddled with Mum.
Tuni showed me how she gets belly rubs. What is that Mum?
Mum asked me to pose beside Tuni. Here we are!
We talked and talked. We had lots to talk abouts. Both our Mum's kept flashing those flashy things in our faces so we moved off to a quiet spots to talk some more.
It was about that time that I heard Sequoia's Mum say "Time out Sequoia". I won't say anymores.... She just needed a "time outs" for a few minutes from the pugs she was hanging with.
Sequoia in her time outs - Mum tooks this picture for Anakin cuz Mum thoughts it was cutes (whatever!)
(don't worry Anakin, she didn't gets into big trouble)
A picture of me just hanging by the fence
A nice close ups of Tuni. Cute eh?
Here we are hanging with Tuni's Mum, just before going homes. She was talking to me saying how it was nice to meets and we will see each other agains.
Then my Mum said they had to goes cuz Tuni was getting chilly as the tempurature was getting cooler and it was getting past dinner time.
We said our good-byes. There aren't any pictures of that as it is kinda privates.
This is what Tuni gave to me when I got there
A flossie for the car ride home
And this card.
Looks what she puts on the back of the envelope!
On the way to the border Mum stopped at Walmarts to get me some dog crunchies. I was super hungry from all the excitement and it was a long wait at the border crossing back into Canada.
While we waited at the crossing we watched the sun goes down. Mum gots this picture. We was at the crossing that is surrounded by farms. We could hear the cows mooing.

It was a great days. And guess what...... WISHES DO COME TRUE!
Remember my wish a little while ago?
Well my wish was that when I actually met Tuni in pugson, that we would still really likes each other and hit it of.
It was great to finally meet yous my sweet. Oh and Mum says how cool it was to meet your pawrents and Sequoia (whatever) too. Mum luved Sequoia just as much as she luved meeting you.
Until our next meeting...