Thank you my best pug Dickens' human, Walt, for introducing mum to other blogs by pug owners, who let their pug's write their own blogs! she decided to give me free reign. FINALLY!!!! So here is my first entry.
So, today we got up and lounged around a bit before mum went on a cleaning spree. She eventually did "midsummer clean" in the basement where we stumbled across the box of photos. I say "we" as while she sat pulling out albums I snuggled down using her foot as a chin rest. There was a lot of "ooohhhh and ahhhhh" and I looked up to see images of me as a little rugrat. So here are the photos that she scanned in. The one of me sleeping on the carpet with my toy is the first day I moved in here. I still have that toy and the blankets I am laying on. The last two are of me and some of my siblings. I am the adorable pug at the back of the bunch. The last one is my daddy "Sam" and everyone says I look just like him and I am just as big as he is too! Ok so here goes...... let the ohhhhhhing and ahhhhhhing begin!
puppy love Winston

Me and my siblings, I am at the back near the leopard print bed.
Here is my pug daddy, Sam. I look just like him and I am big like him too!